Three months later

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Hope and Landon are really happy about having a baby. Raf turns on a full moon. Lizzie and Josie are learning a lot of new spells. Hope and Landon are travelling all around the world to learn more stuff. Hope and Landon are back from their long trip. Hope texts her friends to tell them she's back. The Salvatore school has got some new students. There's now a heretic his name is Jason. He's having some trouble with learning what all he can do so Hope, Lizzie and Josie are helping him. Then 6 months passed and Hope and Landon realized it was the month for the baby to be born. (The month is May.) The baby was born on May 5. Hope and Landon were so happy that their little baby girl was born. Hope said "Now we need to pick a name for her." So they thought of a lot of girl names and came to a agreement of the name Olivia.

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