It's all over or so we thought

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It had been 2 years since there was that whole thing with people coming after Olivia. " I'm just glad we can put all the stuff that happened in the last 2 years can all be put behind us." Hope said. " Yeah me too." Landon said. Everyone was so relieved that everything that happened could finally be put behind them... or so they thought. Olivia was growing more powerful by the day and it's getting harder for her to control it. Hope could tell her little girl was struggling with her magic so she decided that it might help if they practiced stronger spells not too strong that it would make her daughter pass out or have a nose bleed but strong enough that it would help her. They were all finally able to relax until they went on a walk and someone had tried grabbing Olivia and Landon was getting really protective and he went and confronted the guy but things took a turn for the worst how you may ask is that the guy went to an alley way and snapped Landon's neck. Hope panicked and she had to make sure her daughter didn't see it luckily her daughter was too distracted by all the decorations and lights to notice what happened. Hope called Alaric and told him what happened and he came and got Landon's body while Hope distracted Olivia. Then by the time they got back Landon woke up and sighed in relief that his and Hope's daughter was ok. Once he woke up he ran over to both of them and hugged them. Hope was holding back years when she saw what happened to Landon. They instantly hugged Landon back. And that's when they knew they would always have to have their guard up and that it wasn't over yet.

Hope and Landon's kidWhere stories live. Discover now