The biggest surprise of all time

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Olivia is now 9 years old and she's learned a lot about her magic. Lizzie and Josie are babysitting Olivia while Hope and Landon are doing patrol around the school.

Hope's Pov

Landon and I are doing patrol around the school to make sure no one can try and take our daughter again but we found some people who I thought we wouldn't see for a very long time...
"Mom.... Dad... Uncle Elijah?" "Hope?" they all say. Then they all run up to me and give me a hug I hug back not wanting this to be a dream I want it to be real. Then I go over to Landon and introduce them and then I see Lizzie and Josie come over and then Olivia runs straight to me and Landon and I bend down so she can run into my arms and then she says "mommy daddy."

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