It's time

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Hope's family decided to stay down at the school so they could be there for Hope when she gives birth. And today was the day all the people that knew took a day off from school to be there for Hope, Landon was waiting in the room and when the baby finally came they gathered everyone in the room so they could see the beautiful baby girl Hope and Landon brought into the world. Then Hope and Landon said " We decided what her name is going to be..." Everyone was so excited to hear the baby girl's name. Hope and Landon said "We decided to name her Olivia Andrea Kirby Mikealson." Everyone was really happy with the name and then a couple of weeks had passed and they decided Hope was well enough to start school back again. Everyone starred at Hope and Olivia as they walked down the hall Olivia in Hope's arms of course. They were all curious and Hope decided they would call a meeting and tell everyone.

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