Chapter 3- Showcase Await!

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A young girl with honey blonde hair, around the age of 15 was staring out her window. As she watched the stars twinkle, she thought of a person. A person who'd eyes twinkled beautifuly that it puts any star to shame. Those beautiful brown eyes were the ones she fell in love with. Ofcourse looks arent everything. His personality and determination is the thing the sold the deal. The way he was so optimistic, just made her go in awe.

Never give up till the end!

The saying she lived by. The saying that made her accomplish more. Oh how he missed him.

I miss you Ash


Meanwhile... Our hero is snoring in his sleep. Oh no! It's almost time for the master class! What will our heroes do!

Gou: huh?? What time is it-

Gou looked at the clock in the ceiling. 9:45 am is the time.. But wait.. The masterclass starts at 10 am!

Gou: Oh No!! Ash wake up! We'll miss the master class!

Ash: Huh....

Ash said rubbing his eyes. Soon followed by his Pikachu. After a few seconds of processing what Gou said.Something clicked.

Ash: Wait!!! Come on Hurry!

The two boys hurried to get ready. They were so fast Pikachu had a hard time keeping up.

Gou: Scorbunny return!

Ash: Comeon pikachu.

The boys jolted towards the Prism Tower where the showcase was held.

Ash: Did we make it!

Gou: I dont *pant* know.

???: You guys are early?

Ash and Gou looked up to see Clemont and Bonnie.

Bonnie: Miss it? You guys are 3 hours early.

Gou: Wait.. doesnt it start at 10 am?

Clemont: No, its starts at 1 PM (or 13 o' clock.)

Ash: Early huh.

He looked at Gou with a you're dead  stare. Gou sweetdropped.

Gou: uh.. This may be a good thing!

Ash: And why is that?

Gou: ummm.. I can catch more pokemon and you can train with Clemont. He's a gym leader right.

Gou sweetdropped as Ash looked at him, smiled and said

Ash: That's a really good idea. ^^. Its been so long since I battled you Clemont.

Clemont: I agree, I want to see how strong you've become.

Gou: thank God

Gou let out a sigh of relief.

Gou: I'll be heading off now! I wanna catch some pokemon.

Ash: Ok bye! Well see you later!


As Gou walk around Lumious city, he heard a sound and saw a tiny pokemon. It was a bird and had some kind of fiery sense in it. Gou held up his pokedex.

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