Chapter 5- Battle Ends, Showcase Begins

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The  battle between Serena and Ash is intense! But who will be victorious?

Serena: Okay Alteria, Ash got the first hit last round so it's our turn

Use Dragon Breath!

Ash: Dagonite! Intercept with Hyper Beam!

A blast of fire came out of Alteria's mouth the same as a flowing orb came put of Dragonites'. Both moves clashed making and explosion with sparkles of flames. Very amusing to see.

Serena: Ash?

Ash: Yes?

Serena: You want me to not hold back right?

Ash: Not even a bit!

Serena: Then we will give everthing we got!

Serena moved her hair, showing a some kind of orb as her earing. An orb similar towards Serena's showed in Alteria's neck. Serena touched the orb and it glowed brightly.

" Never Give up till the end"
" Show you're everlasting Beauty, Elegance and Passion"
" Mega Evolve!"

As those words came out of Serena's mouth, Alteria shined brightly. It fur grew, the two antenna like things in its head turned into one and got shorter, its tail grew longer and looked much more elegant and beautiful.

 It fur grew, the two antenna like things in its head turned into one and got shorter, its tail grew longer and looked much more elegant and beautiful

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Ash: You've gotten way stronger than before Serena but we have too! We wont hold back a bit either. Dragonite use Dragon claw.

Serena: Dodge it Alteria!

Before Dragonite can land a hit, Alteria dodges the attack showcasing its speed.

Serena: Its our time Alteria, Use Ice beam let's go!

Clemont: An ice type move, that's really effective towards Dragonite.

Bonnie: Do you think Dragonite can handle it?

Gou: Dragonite is a really strong pokemon. I'm sure he can.

Clemont: I hope so.

The spectators were anxious to see the battle progress. Pikachu was cheering for Ash while Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon were cheering for Serena.

Ash: Dragonite fly up, don't let Alteria catch you.

Serena: Oh no you dont, Alteria follow Dragonite!

The two pokemon had an epic chase sequence were Alteria and Dragonite were toe and toe with each other. Alteria tries to attack but with them being constantly moving in the air, it missed.

Serena: Alteria, look into Dragonite, if you can lock in use Dragon breath.

Ash: In that case, Dragonite use Dragon dance!

Gou: Dragon Dance, it increases the users Attack and Defence.

Bonnie: So Ash has the advantage.

Gou: Not quite, Alteria still has that Ice beam. One hit would cause a lot of damage.

At this point, Alteria is in a position where it can hit Dragonite.

Serena: Dragon Breath lets go!

Alteria unleashed fire, sparkling as it flies around the battle field. As it almost hit Dragonite, Ash made his move.

Ash: Alright dragonite, Dragon dance let's go!

Gou: What is he doing?

Bonnie: you know, Ash being his unpredictable self.

Dragonite spun around rapidly. As it spins with dragon dance, the dragon breath got caught up and circled around dragonite.

After an amount of time. The dragon breath dissapeared because of dragon dances unique use.

Serena: Wait wat!

Ash: Dragonite our opening, Use Hurrican, trap Alteria!

A blast of air came tumbling towards Alteria. The move trapped the pokemon making it unable to move.

Ash: Let's finish this, Hyper beam!

A beam of light came rushing towards Alteria. It directly hit the pokemon. When the dust clouds settled, Alteria was revealed to be fainted.

Alteria Is Unable To Battle,Dragonite wins which means the victor is Ash!

Ash: Amazing work Dragonite, Have a great rest!

Serena: Alteria you battled well,take a long deserved rest.

Serena: Ash! You've become so strong. Its kinda a miracle I lasted so long.

Ash: You became stronger to Serena! You've really been training.

A small blush creeped into Serena's cheeks.

Serena: Thanks Ash! Well,contests am I right?

Ash and Serena shared a little chuckle session.

Bonnie: Serena! It's almost time for the showcase!?

Serena: Really? Well I should really be going.

Serena turned around and headed towards Prism Tower where the showcase will be held.

Ash: Serena!

Serena turned around.

Ash: Do your best ok? Win this thing for us.

Serena smiled.

Serena: Ofcourse, it's for you guys.

Serena continued to run to Prism Tower.

A very very VERY light blush creepy onto his cheeks. No one can notice even him.

Bonnie: I really hope she wins.

Ash: Ofcourse she'll win. She's Serena

Gou: Ofcourse.



In so sorry for the lack of updates. I had a gigantic writing block and did not know how to deal with it.

I have a really important test coming in about two weeks so updates will be slow.

I hope ya'll understand

Kind Regards

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