Chapter 9

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Dedicated to JairaBecker , CristinaVizcaino4 , ImraanBaig and Maleewan1993 thank you for being one the first people to comment good about my story.

And everyone else that is reading my story thank you.


On Saturday morning, I woke up and went on the internet to search for a job. But before that I made breakfast for Melissa and I. Then I don't know what crossed my mind I decided to search for Luca. His named came up and tons of articles did too. I looked at the most recent one. It said that him and Cheryl Stone one of the most famous models went on a date.

So he is enjoying his life while I must suffer and look for another job because of his arrogance. Who does he think he is, calling me names and getting away with it. I will make him suffer soon enough. Right now I need to find a job.

Soon enough Melissa woke up, she always woke up late. We had the breakfast I made and spoke about random things. And the topic of Luca's date came up and random cusses came out of my mouth and I was ranting some horrible things about him.

Mellisa was trying to calm me down and I eventually did calm down. We spent the rest of the day out keeping my mind off the getting a job and just enjoyed. The next day however was spent with me trying to get interviews, I got a few for Monday.

Luca went on another date with another model. I tried to ignore it and eventually I did. Monday came around and I went for the interviews and I was told no for all I still had hope.

The rest of the week went the same, Luca going on dates and I couldn't get a job. And I was very suspicious about that because they all said the same thing. That I wasn't qualified enough for the job even though some of them were also a personal assistant job.

I spent Saturday moping around, I lost hope. Sunday came around I was going to try again, on my laptop I went on sites for jobs and I was looking for something, anything. I then heard a knock on the door. I opened it and seen who it was and closed it again.

But before it closed he put his foot in the doorway and pushed it open and entered the apartment. He looked around, I could see it was not something he was used to, he probably only sees the fancy places for rich people mines was simple.

He sat down on my couch and signed for mr to sit down too. "What are you doing here Luca!? You can't just barge into my apartment like that. I will call the cops" I said. I was pissed off seriously who does he think he is? What does he want from me now?

" Arianna, did you forget that about the contract that you signed before you started working. You need to pay the company 1 million dollars if you leave before two years are up. If not you got to prison." He said smugly.

" What? when?" Then I realised that I did indeed sign a contract on my first day at work, he made sure I signed it. I immediately paled, 'what? I can't go back to working for him, he is evil. ' I cried in my head.

"Arianna, I will be generous and give you a chance either you come back to work, pay me or go to prison." He said. Generous my foot, he gives me no choice he know I don't have money and I can't go to prison. And I was about to protest, he can't do it that.

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