【7 ➢ Liar】

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"Ability..?" You asked, completely confused at Mori's words. "Like a superpower?" You asked him to clarify.

"Exactly." Mori smiled to you, you awkwardly smile back but your eyebrows are furrowed, you look like a true stereotypical insomniac. The past month being filled with sleepless nights, mourning the death of your family, your family was innocent. So why?

"And... But if I had such power, wouldn't I have known earlier or... And how does this relate to me wanting to ki..." You trail off, you wanted a reason to live, but that day you said something extremely out of your morals. Kill? Could you ever do such a thing?

"You're right. Tell me, Y/n, did your family ever tell you their job?" Mori asked, his tone sound amused, but at your expense.

"A family business." You reply, unsure of what his next words will be.

"They were a mafia organization, the largest in Japan." Mori said, you looked down, not even noticing or caring that he was smirking sadistically at your mental suffering from the news.

"The... Mafia? But, no- Wait- They're innocent! They didn't deserve to die- No one deserves to die-"

"But wasn't it you who asked to become a murderer? If you pretend to be good, doesn't that make you worse? You are leading on people and friends that will know a character of yours. You're already too far gone, you're not good enough to be normal, but you aren't bad enough to kill. You're worthy of death, some might say you deserve it." Mori said, you drop your shoulders. I deserve to die..? But...

"I-I, I can't I- B-But, my family... The Mafia, what do they do?!" You yelled, at this point, you were so heated up your burning tears felt cold. You stepped forward in a plea, hands pulled to your chest. Your lungs shaking from the emotions of confusion, misunderstanding... A want for something your morals don't want you to listen to.


"The Mafia works for profit by any means." Mori stated, his eyes dropping half-lidded as he said "any means". "As I mentioned before, your family's mafia organization was the largest, and the most violent and lethal. The reason you were arrested that day was for execution." Mori looked away and watched Elise with a disturbing expression of happiness. "Your sister, she had the lowest kill count. Would you like a hint on how low? Her kill count, the lowest among your family, was 213" Mori glanced over to you, you were speechless. Your family... You couldn't defend them, all you could think of as a defense was that they were good people. But, they were just as Mori said. Fake people, fake bad people are worse than bad people. They manipulate those into thinking they're good, they're liars.

I'm a liar.

Your hands became fists, arms shaking as your palms inched up your sides and to the sides of your head, tangling themselves into your hair as your knee buckled. You wanted to rip out each strand, but there was no use. You're weak, just as Mori said. It would only add to your mental pain, but is that even possible? Can you be normal again? But wouldn't that mean that you'll just be fake..? Like Mori said.

"You were going to join them when you turned 18."

You paused, your entire body feeling numb.

"Do you want to know what they did to continue their organization? Their line of work?" Mori asked, you heard him stand up but you didn't care to look. "Your mother has an ability that allowed her to transfer all your family's abilities into you. They knew they would die, and they planned for you to continue killing for them. It's in your blood and your thoughts to kill, but you need a lot of progress to get somewhere. No matter your choice now, you're already stuck. How do you feel? Knowing your family are liars. Why do you think you're so far in age compared to your siblings? 8 years is quite the difference. They knew one day they would be eliminated, your mother's ability transferability is quite the talk isn't it? Let me explain all of the abilities you have."

Astral. P

Former user: Your Mother

The ability to create a special type of contract between 2 abilities users, in this contract, whoever dies first will have their ability transferred into the other. The ability will be slightly modified in an unknown way upon transfer, the way the ability user is killed impacts the modification of the ability. The current user of this ability can create a space in their mind, a wince cellar type room which they can distort and change to their liking, in this wine cellar type room the user may store collected abilities as physically blue crystals. Whoever breaks the crystals receives the ability, the crystals can be brought into the real world. The user may control who enters the room, but not who leaves.

Dark Light

Former User: Your Brother

Allows someone to completely control of their ability for 10 minutes after skin to skin touch.

Devils in Daylight

Former User: Your Father

Figure out the intentions of anyone in clear sight.

Beyond the Illusion

Former User: Your Brother

Completely control over all 5 senses, sight, hearing, taste, sensation, and smell. Anything done to them is not permanent, if the user causes extreme pain to a victim, they won't face any physical side effects other then the pain directed. Only effective on 1 person at a time, activation requires touch, clothing is not a restriction.

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