【8 ➢ Impossible Wishes】

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"D-Do normal people have 4 abilities at once?!" You exclaimed at the shock of the situation, you look down at your hands, confused as you didn't feel any different physically. Although, you did die mentally over and over again, scars under your skin not visible to the eye.

"No, it's because of your mother's ability, although, if your mother transfers her ability to you then all the abilities stored in that room inside her mind will be destroyed. I forgot to mention that if you break the crystal inside of the room, the ability will break and you won't absorb it. You must bring the crystal into the real world then break it, although that's what makes it difficult. It can easily be taken during that time before you can break the crystal and claim the ability, take note of that for the future." Mori smiled, your eyebrows furrowed, this all sounds like a crappy film.

"You'll be training with Elise."

"Elise?! Isn't she like 10? Wouldn't I hurt her?" You exclaim, extremely confused. "Is she in the mafia too?" You asked in a quieter voice.

"No, but I assure you that Elise is perfect for the job. But," Mori paused, walked up dangerously close to you, and staring you down. "I'm the boss for a reason, I know the impact of my decisions. I think you should be worried about the fact that Elise will hurt you."

"Use your ability, it's easier for newer users to say the ability name before activating it. Then you can learn how to activate it without saying the name out loud." Mori smiled, watching from the side as you grabbed onto your opposite elbow, trying to stop the bleeding. It hurts, it burns. You look down at the floor, glancing up with furrowed eyebrows as Elise swings the over-sized needle, it's tip covered in blood, your blood.

"I... I can't remember the names..." You struggle out, you hear Mori chuckle.

"Oh well, Elise will just keep attacking until you do something." Mori says, you could hear the smile and confidence spread across his lips. As you passed out, you asked yourself:

What did I get myself into?

"She passed out again?" Mori paused for a sigh, stopping Elise's attack on you. "She'll never get anywhere at this point, she doesn't even know how to activate her ability... It's a bit annoying isn't it, Elise?" Mori glances to the small blonde girl, she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Whatever, you owe me sweets. Beating up some helpless girl isn't worth anything else." Elise snaps, Mori smiles.

"Of course"

Every single time you woke up, you were put to training, more like being beaten by Elise. Mori wouldn't remind you of the names of your abilities, his sadistic tendencies horrified you. You didn't like this, you hated this. But this is the only way you could be yourself. Mori was right, it's better to be a bad person, then a fake good person, isn't it?

It hurts.

Everything hurts.

And then-

"Devils... Devils In Daylight-" You finally whispered out, your voice was raspy from screaming in pain for so long. You looked to Elise, suddenly a voice in your head whispered to you.

'She's going to spawn a needle in her left hand and attack you'

And then it happened.

You were so shocked you couldn't feel the pain, the voice in your head was yours, but so... Monotone, dead. You knew it was your voice, but it felt so foreign, the shock caused you to just fall over and stare at Elise in pure shock as you experienced a never-ending Deja Vu. You looked over to Mori in a wide-eyed shock.

'He's gonna ask if you've activated Devils in Daylight'

"Well, Y/n. Have you done it? I heard you activate your ability." Mori smiles.

'He already knows it's activated, he's teasing you'

You glance over to Elise.

'She's going to run up and hit you again'

You felt as though time was moving in slow motion, you quickly stand up, rolling away and standing up as Elise slashed a cut into the cement wall. Bloodstained your skin in dark shades of red and brown, you wanted to relax, to take a shower. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked to Elise.

'Because Mori knows you've activated your ability, so does Elise. She knows you can read each of her moves so she's trying to initiate attacks that make her neck unreachable, it's her weak spot. She's going trick you but running straight then flying above you than hitting you from behind'

Your fists clench, you quickly pick up a small sharp piece of rubble that had fallen from the gash in the wall caused my Elise, as the voice told you so, Elise runs towards you. Jumping over your head, you quickly turn around and step to the side, her foot kicking the space where you stood last. You quickly shoved her into the ground and slashed her neck. She looked emotionless, not giving the spoiled demeanor she usually portrayed. Your breaths heavy, you dropped the rock and stood up, Elise now completely faded away. You felt dizzy, you couldn't concentrate on anything.

But, you won.

You looked over to Mori, who held a cocky look in his eyes. As if this was all part of his plan.

'He doubted you, he was going to kill you if you failed once again today'

You flinched, your eyes wide. Mori would...Kill me..?

"M-Mori y-you would've-" You studdered, your voice trailed off into a quiet whisper of betrayal.

"Of course, but I won't. I promise." Mori smiles.

'He's lying'

You felt heavy, everything felt numb, eerily warm. Maybe it was the blood that coated your skin like a cruel piece of clothing, maybe it was the blood loss.

Maybe you just wanted things to go back to normal.

【 Thanking Betrayal 】  Yandere Dazai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now