Chapter 5:Side quest of shopping

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Kumagawa was in a discussion right now. That meaning Louis screaming terrified of the future.

Louis:You just illegaly trespassed a count's home, killed all his guards and beat him half to death! Did you think of what could happen next!?

Kumagawa:[It's not I didn't think, it's that I didn't care.]

Kirche:Ara, you sure have an interesting familiar, Louis.

She said that while licking her lips.

Louis:Don't encourage him, Zerbsts. And stop doing that face! I wouldn't ever let my familiar a night with you!

Oh, that was funny. She still thinks she can tell him what to do. He didn't think he would ever met an idiot bigger than Zenkichi, but this world is full of them.

Kumagawa:[Do you really think that old man would ever dare think about me after this.]

Tabitha:Fair point.

Kumagawa:[Ah, a person of little words I see.]


Kumagawa:[Ask away.]

Tabitha:Former nobles. Dead in the forest.

Kumagawa:[Oh, yeah. That was me.]

Louis:Could you do something like, oh I don't know, not kill people!?

Kumagawa:[Nah, that sounds boring.]

Louis sighed. She didn't press it any further for the sake of her sanity.

Louis:Aniway, we'll go to buy you a weapon to defend your sword.

He can create any weapon he wants tough. He can create and manipulate any elements he wants. He can do that even with vectors like a white haired friend of his. But he decided to not tell her that.

They entred a shop. The owner presented them a sword. It was white with gold. But there was a problem.

Louis:I can buy a house with this price!

Owner:Well, it's a very good sword from Germain.

Kumagawa:[Can I hold it?]


Kumagawa:[Hey, it's the shop called tricky sells?]

Owner:No, why?

Kumagawa:[Because you sure want to trick us.]

He pointed the sword at the owner's neck.

Kumagawa:[Good sword? This sword is as good as an ornament. One swing and it will shatter.]

???:Haha, it was time someone demasked you!

Owner:Ahut up Derf!

The voice was one of a sword.

Kumagawa:[Louis-chan, am I drowning more in insanity or did that sword just talk?]

Louis:No, I heard it too.

Guerre:Misogi, that's Defllinger! It's the sword used by the original Gandalf.

Kumagawa:[How much for that sword?]

Owner:I'm givin it for free just to get rid of it.

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