first attempt

376 19 5

a while later, chan follows the address felix sent him and he goes over to his house.

he knocks on the door and felix answers it.

"hey chan come in!" felix grabs his hand and pulls him inside.

what's with this guy?

"okay everyone's here!" felix smiles and they all wave to chan.

"come dance!" woojin says to chan and he shakes his head.

"come on!" felix says.

"I don't dance" chan looks down and felix walks over to him and he grabs his hand and brings him over to where everyone else was dancing.

"come on you can't be that bad" felix says and he starts dancing, chan starts moving slowly and felix chuckles.

"wow you are bad!" felix laughs and he guides chan to dance better than what he showed.

"that's better!" felix says and chan nods and smiles.

after a while of having a good time, the song turns into a slow song.

"ew really?" felix looks at jisung.

"it wasn't me it was minho" jisung says and felix looks at minho.

"shut up" minho brings jisung over and hyunjin and changbin join them.

chan didn't want that to stop. he didn't want the song to change. he wanted to keep dancing.

but why?

he shakes it off and he sits next to woojin on the sofa and watches the two couples dance.

"um... seungmin?" jeongin walks up to seungmin.


"do you... do you... um... that?" jeongin points over to the dance floor.

"sure" seungmin smiles and they walk over and start dancing.

chan, felix, and woojin smile as they all danced.

the slow dance ended and they all go back to dancing normally again.

felix invites chan back on the dance floor and they start dancing like goofballs.

everyone eventually gets tired, hyunjin and changbin fall asleep first, then woojin, then jisung and minho and jeongin.

seungmin was still up thinking about he dance between him and jeongin. he didn't know why he said yes, but he was glad he did.

felix went outside and he sat on the step and watched the cars drive by.

chan follows him.

this is my chance

"sometimes it gets lonely, even though I have minho and my friends, there's always something missing when my parents aren't around anymore" felix says. "you understand right?"

"yeah" chan says, he goes into his pocket to get the knife out. he gets ahold of it.

"and I don't even have a shoulder to cry on either, all my friends except woojin like someone or have a boyfriend. and... even minho won't be there for me, I know he misses them too he just doesn't want to show it" felix goes on, chan still has the grip on the pocket knife, but it's still in his pocket.

"just look on the bright side, you don't have to worry about anymore breaking up with you and you have friends who care about you" chan still keeps the hold on it.

"I guess so" felix shrugs. "thank you chan"

"you don't have to thank me"

"I'm just glad I finally have someone to relate to and to talk to about this stuff, everyone else's parents are still alive and they're not lonely" felix looks at chan.

"me too I guess"

chan lets go of the knife.

oop 👀

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