red moon

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"stop!" felix yells to chan.

chan turns the car off and he gets out of the car.

"what? are you here to tell me that I shouldn't have done it in the first place, and that I should just leave you forever, it's okay because I plan-"

felix does the same thing chan did earlier, which made chan shocked.

felix breaks the kiss and looks into his eyes.

"I like you... bang chan"

"I like you too, lee felix"

they exchange smiles and the seven of them clap as they've watched the whole thing.

chan's smile fades when the moon starts turning to a light pink.

"shit, you need to get inside now" chan grabs felix's hand and he pulls him inside the house.

"what's going on?" felix asks.

"the red moon is tonight, which means all the creatures from jupiter are gonna come after you since I was unable to kill you, but don't worry I'll be here to protect you" chan looks at felix and he nods.

"when will they start coming?" woojin asks.

"as soon as the mood turns red"

"wait, how are you gonna fight them off you're still human" felix asks.

"about that... um the god of jupiter may or may not come" chan rubs the back of his neck.

"what does that mean...?" minho asks.

"he's the most powerful creature in jupiter, and since I'm not a creature I can't fight him because my powers are gone" chan's eyes widen.

"wait, they'll see my car and they'll know you're here I'll be right back" chan leaves the house and he drives the car over to the school and he runs back to the house, he turns around and he sees the moon getting a darker pink.

"shit!" chan goes back into the house and he shuts the door.

"okay, we're safe for now so we have time to prepare"

"what do we do?" hyunjin asks.

"minho, jisung, hyunjin and changbin you barricade the windows and the doors, seungmin and jeongin you'll be lookouts for the creatures. me, felix and woojin will find as many weapons as we can" chan says and they all start moving.

"we have a bunch in the attic" felix says and the three of them go upstairs and they search for as many weapons as they can.



"am I gonna be okay?" felix looks at chan with sad eyes.

"you will" chan smiles.

"do you promise?"


"it's something that you can't break. ever" (can you tell stranger things is my favorite show?)

"oh, then I promise" chan says and felix nods.


they continue searching and when they get as much as they can, they go back downstairs to the living room.

chan knows that the red moon is getting closer and closer, which made his heart beat faster and faster. (heart beat beat beat)

it starts thundering outside, and lightning shatters through the barricaded windows.

"they're here" chan says while not taking his eyes off of the barricaded door.

there were screams coming from outside, people running and monsters appearing left and right.

the next thing they knew, there was banging on the door.

felix grabbed onto chans arm because he was scared.

"nobody make a sound" chan whispered and they all stay quiet.

"OPEN UP OR WE WILL OPEN UP OURSELVES" one of the monsters yells through the door.

suddenly then there's slime crawling through the furniture that was barricaded in front of the door, they all step away from it and a creature appears.

"slimey" chan says quietly.

"give us felix and we won't hurt you" his eyes turn a ugly green color. his purple goo was all over the floor.

"no, you're not killing him" chan puts his arms out in front of felix.

"ugh... humans"

"I'm not a human" chan says and slimey looks straight at him with his green eyes, and suddenly chan's eyes start turning red. the others were shocked and that chan really wasn't lying.

"ah so that's what happened to you flamey" slimey looks him up and down.

"you know I first came here to fulfill the same thing you want to do now, but now I'm not letting him die" chan's eyes stay red.

"I told master flame that you shouldn't have come, it shouldn't have been a younger creature"

"well too bad, now I'm protecting him even though I may not have powers anymore and I'm not a creature anymore you won't be able to get to him"

"well good then I should get rid of you first" slimey goes to use his slime to trap him but chan stops it when his hand reveals fire and blasts his slime away from him.

"what? my powers...."

"I guess you still have your powers, so this should be fun" slimey shoots his slime at chan's face but chan blocks it with his fire again.

chan throws his fire ball at slimey, and it hits him and he starts to melt.

"I may be the youngest creature, but I'm the best" chan watches him melt and then the door opens when the other creatures start coming in.

"crap! you guys go away!" chan pushes them all away.

"chan we're gonna help you!" felix says.

"look, I appreciate it a lot but these creatures you don't want to mess with they'll kill you in an instant if you don't have any powers so just hide and stay safe, I'll finish them off" chan looks into felix's eyes.

"but.... but..."

"I'll be fine, I promise" chan smiles and felix nods.

"now go!" they all run away from the living room and chan turns around and he starts blasting all of the creatures, dodging every hit they try to do.

"give us felix!" the creatures keep repeating.

"never!" chan keeps fighting them and he keeps taking them all out.

but then, the two creatures he didn't want to come did.

the lochnous monster and master flame.

red moon. ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now