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"James, I'm finally done waiting on the sidelines, I deserve a shirt in the team too.
I have done my part for these past seven years and he is your son. It's high time you acknowledged that",
She said.

"Will you stop spitting all these rubbish from your mouth?
You plus me equals impossible
It will never happen,
it's just for the sex and don't tell me you don't enjoy it just as much as I do.
And that boy, he can never be mine, I pay for every damn abortion and I trust Dr Chuks",
He replied.

"Yes, you paid for everything, but I couldn't remove this one,
I had a good feeling about him and I knew I might die if I did abort him.
And yes you can call doctor Chuks to confirm.
You need to acknowledge your son, he deserves your surname too.
And come to think of it, what other option do you have? Your wife is barren for crying out loud"
She screamed.

"Shut up bitch! When did we start talking about feelings here?
Were your feelings dead when you aborted the previous four?"

He continued: "You are just an opportunistic bastard, just like the thing you are trying to pin on me there"

He moved closer to her looking so pissed  like he's trying to pass an important message to her.

"Don't you ever mention my wife.
You should always put a respect on that name.
She will always be my number one and you are just nothing but an opportunistic whore"

James responded with pure anger.

It wouldn't take Einstein to know the two people involved in a fight there.
Ok let me explain better, why I was in a shock that my body couldn't take it.

I walked into the living room and I didn't even bother to tell James cause I was planning to watch the surprise in his face when I finally give him the good news about our baby.

But I ended up walking into the shock of my life instead. I saw this 5 year old boy sitting in our living room.
He was quite gentle and rather unfazed.
I felt drawn to him that I had to say 'hi' even though I didn't know anything about him from Adam.

I would gladly take him if he was up for adoption though.
He was such a dove.

All my thoughts suddenly erupted into anger when I heard noise coming out from my bedroom again, I wasn't surprised about any noise neither did I feel the need to be concerned but that day was different.

The noise wasn't the loud sex mourns, it's the voice of James my husband arguing with Kate about the beautiful boy I'd just seen in our living room.

It was the saddest feeling ever, all the joy and happiness I felt inside me dried up.
I started feeling rage instead.
It didn't stop me from listening to their conversations till the end.
I was still curious about how far they'd gone and where the conversation was leading to.

James picked up his phone. He was damn pissed, just as he poured his anger in his tone while talking to Doctor Chuks on phone.

"Good evening Chuks, is it true that Kate compromised one of those pregnancies?",
James asked angrily.

"I can explain everything, Jay. It's not what you think, it's..."
Dr Chuks stammers with his response.

"Tell me what the fuck happened Chuks!
Talk now! I mean right now and stop trying to tell me what I think like you are in my feelings.
Is it true?
Yes or No?"
James responded with an elevated anger in his tone while the phone was clearly on loud speaker.

"Yes, it's yours.
I couldn't remove that one, it was too risky for me and for her too at that time so she had to keep it.

I'm sorry you just got to know. She made me swear not to say anything to you.
I'm very sorry Jay",
Dr Chuks replied.

"Fuck you Chuks! After all these years, you couldn't tell me? Where does your loyalty lie? To the Johnsons or to my bitch? Just do a fucking abortion and you couldn't just keep to your end of your bargain.
Fuck you!
And this isn't over!",
He dropped the call in anger.

That was the last conversation I heard before I literarily went numb.

So it finally dawned on me who Kate and James were for real.

I've been a fool in these two psychopaths' games.

Romeo and Juliet weren't actually characters, they were actually real and maybe the only truthful information I got to know about our marriage so far.

I was so confused and sad, I felt like I was finally losing what was rightfully mine that evening.
I've had been so full of pride all those years  that I thought I had everything.
A growing business, an hardworking personal assistant and finally I got to have my husband all to myself again.
Everything changed and I realized that all I had was just a shallow well of pleasant memories.
The deep part of the well is full of pure heartbreaks and sadness.
Maybe I wasn't the almighty Juliet Johnson as I've always thought cause I was badly humbled that day.

I know you are thinking about what I did after finding out this much about my marriage.
I deserve some revenge right?
Cause I thought as much too but here is what I did.

I stumbled out of the house, sent my driver home and I made our security guy swore that he didn't see me come in.

I hopped in my car,  I to speed off around my Banana Island residence, while I was lost in thought.

I got so tired of the mini racing championship that I had to set out for the main road again and this time it's not for business.

I just wanted to be on the road driving away my sorrows.
After racing for hours, I finally landed in Quilox, a popular club at Lekki.

I just wanted to feel different.

Everyone walking by were just looking me like they knew the face but I hid myself perfectly and made sure no one could recognize me fully.

I got to drown my pain in a champagne I ordered just for myself and I did flex my muscle to all the young guys trying to prove how rich they were by offering to buy me a drink.

I paid for them all.

Yes! And I enjoyed the surprise on their faces as they finally got to meet a woman they couldn't afford.

I tried finding my feet at about 11pm but I couldn't and I wouldn't dare let this broke boys take me home in their fancy car, I didn't want UBER either, I just wanted someone to talk to since the alcohol still couldn't solve all my problems.

So I picked up my phone and called my driver in my sober state.

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