Chapter One

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If you would ask anyone at St. Peter's Girls Secondary School what hell is like, they would tell you, "Hell might seem bad in the Bible, but it's not as bad as St. Peter's Boarding Girl's School," and it is true for very different reasons for different students.

For me, it's the boredom. There's nothing to do. I can't read anymore because reading has become so boring.

I can't play sports either because it's boring too.

I can't go to sleep because it's boring.

That school has nothing especially interesting to work with, and I really tried to find everything, but there just isn't anything.

I tried sneaking out.

My estimation was that the euphoria would be like a drug, and I would get off of it, but the only euphoric thing about it was breaking the fence.
I chose the most remote area; to be precise, it was closer to the piggery and the agricultural practices farms, and only students frequented the area with the few teachers that would only come to grade students.

No one noticed the hole on the wall, or maybe they just pretended like it wasn't there. But after I broke the hole, I didn't feel like going through the hole. I shrugged and thought that the hole could be a ticket to freedom for some girls.

After that, I started getting my euphoric moments from little things here and there. Doing the unthinkable and loving the chase as the teachers try to figure out who did it until they know that it's me. Like now, I stole Mr. Eze's office key and threw it into the piggery. The teachers have been drilling me about it for a few minutes now, but I denied knowing where his keys were.

The pigs might have either eaten them or it wouldn't be conducive to touch them anymore.

Mr. Eze made me kneel in front of the junior secondary block, but I kept on making silly faces at them whenever they looked at me through the window.

It was fun kneeling on the dirt under the sun with no teacher supervising you, and I felt the euphoric moment until Mr. Eze got a new set of keys and released me. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

My next euphoric moment came in the form of my best friend Chiamaka, shortened to Amaka.

It was during the weekend, and I had hidden the head girl's underwear at the back of the kitchen cupboard.

The cafeteria was closed after lunch, and I couldn't force it open. I tried picking it, pretending I was better than film actors, but it wasn't my friend at the moment. Sneaking into the kitchen and pulling a drawer open was an impromptu plan that I concocted at the second.

As I walked to the dormitory, I wondered how Odita (the head girl) would find it. I had hidden six out of seven of her undies - she was washing her seventh one when I sneaked into the locker room. She had forgotten to lock her locker, and I knew it because I was stalking her.

As I got to the door leading into my room - it was during study hour, and so most students were in the study hall-I heard a noise that got me curious. I rushed in to see a nude Amaka sitting on top of a nude freshman.

I knew she was a freshman because she looked familiar to someone I'd seen in one of their classes. Her eyes were closed, and two of her fingers were inside the freshman's pubic area. They haven't noticed me yet as they continue their activity. I knew what they were doing, but I was surprised that I couldn't shout or call their attention to me.

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