Chapter Five

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Adanne and Norah were being very suspicious as they both entered the bathroom. I would have dismissed the whole thing, but they carried a bag with them.

I tiptoed to the window and tried to see through the windowpanes, but the window was taller than me, and even if we were the same height, the bathroom window was built to disallow outsiders from seeing what's inside.

It was small, only big enough to be considered a window, and the windowpanes were not see-through. I decided to listen in, but I couldn't hear anything.

Disappointed, I tiptoed back to the mango tree that's growing a few distances away from the bathroom. I sat on the floor and waited.

Is this even worth it?

After a few minutes, they came out, and my eyes bulged out from my skull.

The full moon was high in the sky, shining a spotlight on the two and their overly-dressed selves.

They wore shiny, short, tight gowns and wigs. Adanne wore a straight black wig, while Norah wore hers in a ponytail. Their edges were perfectly done. I could see it from where I sat.

They were holding their heels in their hands and tiptoeing as if the watchman or Mrs. Agusi would catch them.

I followed them into the agricultural practice farms and out through the broken fence. They wore their heels and started catwalking around the streets. Every once in a while, they will catcall a few men who are minding their business and blow kisses at them.
I felt embarrassed. I can't believe these are the same students I know who attended the same school as me.

Soon, a Jeep stopped by and packed beside them. Norah struck a pose and started playing with the ends of her hair while Adanne leaned on a streetlight pole and was chewing whatever she had in her mouth.

My mind was running in circles. I was no snitch, and I wasn't a teacher's pet, but what came to mind was STDs. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are illnesses that can only be transferred through sexual intercourse, and most of them stay in your body for a lifetime—well, until you die.

My mind went through everything we were taught at school.

STDs are very important, but they can preserve your life.

What about serial killers, hardcore ritualists, rapists, and organ harvesters?

Didn't they think their plan through?
Have they been going through that hole all this time?

Am I at fault here?

I slapped my face. It's not your fault. They made their decision.

A dark man with black spectacles climbed out of the jeep and started negotiating with Norah. Soon, Norah went into his Jeep and off! They were gone like lightening.

Adanne continued her journey alone until she got to a building that had Nigerian songs playing in a loud tone.

A man held her and whispered in her ear. Soon, he pulled out some cash from his pocket and placed it inside her gown through the chest opening.

She took his hand and dragged him to a dark part of the building.

I followed them and watched as Adanne pulled up her gown and bent down. The man pulled down his trousers and released a standing penis. He roughly gripped Adanne on her waist and plunged his penis inside her, grunting as he pushed into her.

I was stumped as I watched the display.

At some point, Adanne was grunting in pain before she started gasping for breath.

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