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Malia woke up super early today for she had her classes and then her part time at the diner, not to mention homework and assignments. She didn't find any meaning in studying things which neither benefitted nor interested her. She always found maths complicated and very much so believed she was never gonna use that sin, cos or tan anywhere in her life. Mythological literature was her favorite and the only subject which interested her.

She was not much of a reader but mythology made her go into fantasy land. Be it Greek mythology, Roman mythology or Hindu mythology. She knew all of those were myths but somewhere in her she always wondered what if.

She freshened up grabbed her bag and an apple with a granola bar and was on her way. She met Bella at the gate of her school.

Bella and Malia had known each other since fourth grade when they had shared their lunches and Malia absolutely loved the food Bella's mom made. Over the years as their friendship had grown deeper and stronger, they realized that they were very similar, to the point that they knew what the other was thinking. Their parents realized that too seeing them joined at the hip. They considered each other as a sister from another mister. They shared everything with each other.

"Mal, I am so bored, all we do everyday is study, eat, sleep and repeat," Bella drawled.

"I was thinking the same thing this morning. It's been days since anything interesting happened or we did anything fun," Malia agreed.

"How about we go on a picnic this Saturday, I know the perfect spot and it'd be so much fun," Bella said excited by the thought of doing something fun.

Bella and Malia weren't textbook introverts but while Malia preferred talking only when necessary to others, Bella was friendly and chatty with everybody. Both had equally crazy personalities which only very few close friends knew of as both knew these days there are a lot of snakes in human skin.

Malia and Bella chatted away happily, planning their picnic. The day dragged on and by the end of it, Malia felt drained and exhausted. She bid goodbye to her best friend and walked to the diner for her shift. Malia didn't have to work at the diner but she loved the place and knew the sweet old lady, Martha, who was the owner.

It was a quaint little diner with dark wood interiors and maroon booths. It smelled of coffee and pastries which was heavenly. Malia was the only employee who worked there as Martha helped out every so often. The neighborhood loved the diner and mostly people from the neighborhood were the only ones visiting.

Malia got her apron on, put on some chill songs and made some coffee for the customers and some chocolate cupcakes. It was one of the favourite desserts of the diner. She swayed her hips to the song and sung along. She didn't hear it when the bell on the door jingled and in walked a tall guy.

Malia was busy baking until she heard a cough behind her which made her almost drop her spatula, keyword 'almost' as she caught herself before it dropped.

She spinned around apologizing, when she looked straight into eyes so deep blue, she felt if she stared too long she might drown. He was exquisitely handsome and he wasn't even trying, in a plain black hoodie and some jeans.

He flashed her a smile and her breath caught in her throat, she cleared her throat and in an effort to get a grip.

"Hello, what would you like to have sir?"

"Just a coffee," he said flashing her another smile.

"Sure, that'd be 2.45."

He handed her the money waiting for his change.

"You look new here," she said trying not to let her emotions slip in her voice.

"I am," he replied in a polite way as of asking her to not ask anymore questions.

"Here's your change, you can have a seat and I'll get your coffee in a minute," Malia replied with a small smile.

He took a seat at a booth from where he could see Malia clearly. From the moment he had walked in, his eyes had not left her. She was gorgeous and it took everything in him to not make her his right then and there. She looked so adorable even with that little smear of batter on her cheek, he had to clench his fists and needed great willpower to not clean it for her.

He watched her fumble with the kettle as she poured coffee for him. He was in awe that someone so pure and beautiful could even exist. He couldn't help but admire her. She brought him his coffee telling him to enjoy. He was still amazed to even thank her for it.

He clenched his fists and closed his eyes willing his running mind to calm down. He slowly drank his coffee looking out the window at the people passing by, unaware of the gaze on him.

Malia felt so overwhelmed with the emotions running through her right now. She had to be extra careful that she didn't trip and fall while giving him the coffee. She knew she was staring but she couldn't help it. He was alluring beyond words. He had something about him which was pulling Malia like a magnet. The feelings she was feeling were unbelievable. Her eyes followed every movement of his, admiring his strong form, the way his muscles moved as he lifted the cup to his lips.

Malia snapped out of it hearing the oven timer go off. She busied herself, getting the cupcakes out of the oven and cooling them, while she set up the display. She set up the cupcakes and turned around only to find an empty booth, the only sign of someone had been there being the empty cup.

Unaware that this meeting had left a deep imprint on both of their hearts and connected their fates in a way no one thought possible. What was to come was unknown, but what was known was that this was going to be in their minds for a long, long time.

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