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Malia loved her job, mainly because she got to sit and read her books while enjoying a nice cup of coffe with barely anybody to disturb and she knew everybody in the fairly small neighborhood. Her mom was a huge extrovert and curious little woman, who loved talking to anybody and everybody. Her mom was friends with everybody in the neighborhood which made her know everybody.

On the other hand, her dad was a serious and quiet introvert, who had a side of him reserved only for his dear family. Malia was a mix of her dad and mom. When she was younger she was a big chatterbox, as she grew up she slowly got quieter and more reserved. She still could talk on and on for days.

As she was preparing some coffee for herself, thinking of enjoying the new book she had started reading yesterday, she heard the chime of the bells signalling a customer was there. She turned patting her apron slightly, ready to take the customer's order.

"Hey again." It was the handsome guy who had visited a few days back.

"Hello," she said with a polite smile, "what would you like to have today?"

"A coffee and a muffin please."

"Are you new in the neighborhood," she asked as she wrote down the order and counted the change.

"No, I'm just visiting a friend. Is there any flower shop nearby?"

"Yeah Mrs. Hammington has a flower right down the block. You'll find it if you walk straight then take a right," she replied.

Lucifer nodded and thanked her going to take a seat. Lucifer watched as Malia interacted with the customers. The way she laughed and told an old man that he was still young, the way she asked with a toddler  if  he wanted to be like spiderman and the way her hips swayed lightly to the music.

"Here's your order, would you like anything else?"

"Yes, would you mind walking me to the flower shop? If it's not an inconvenience or anything, I don't really know my way around yet," Lucifer said, scratching the back of his neck and laughing embarrassed at the way she made him behave like a teenage boy with a crush.

"Sure no problem. My shift gets over in 15 minutes if that's okay."

"Yes thank you so much that's fine."

Malia wrapped up everything after 15 minutes and walked Lucifer over to the flower shop making small talk on the way. Turns out he was visiting the kid of an old friend of his. She watched as he bought two small bouquets with roses and orchids. She was slightly confused as to why he had bought two bouquets, but didn't ask as she didn't wanna push him or pry.

"Here, this one's for you. Thank you so much for walking me here. I would like to treat you to a meal if that's fine with you," Lucifer said handing of the bouquets to her.

"Oh you don't have to do that or this, but thank you," Malia said smiling and smelling the flowers. It was the first time someone had given her flowers. Her dad bought chocolates and flowers for her mom every so often and seeing that Malia had always wished someone would give her flowers too.

"Please I insist. You have helped me and I don't even know your name. I'm Lucifer and you are?" he asked extending his hand.

"Oh I'm Malia," she said putting her hand into his shaking it. But Lucifer bent slightly, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing the back of it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh no, the pleasures all mine."

"So can I pick you up at 7 tomorrow for the dinner?"

"You really don't have to.....,"

"Please," Lucifer said not noticing that he was starting to pout a little but Malia did, and she couldn't say no to a handsome man, pouting and insisting on taking her to dinner.

"Okay, since you insist. You can pick me up from the cafe," Malia said giving in.

This bought a huge grin to Lucifer's face, which in turn made Malia smile too.

"See you tomorrow, Malia," Lucifer said grinning like a fool.

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow," Malia replied not realising how big her smile was or how her cheeks were turning redder by the minute.

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