Chapter Two: Protector

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"Well, well, well."

I put my book down forcefully as the three came closer to me. I knew them quite well. I always passed by them walking down the village streets. Naturally, I became a subject to their taunts and teases from early on. They were the mayor's boys and with that came a sense of superiority. If that wasn't enough, they all had matching names. Hewey, Dewey, and Louie.

"It's Little Bookworm," Hewey laughed.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh nothing," he said. "Just wanted to say hello."

"Whatcha reading?" Dewey asked.

"It's a romance, if you must know," I huffed.

"Like you'd ever have that," Louie scoffed. "Guys don't want a girl with brains."

Hewey picked up the book and flipped through it. "Ugh, so boring. How on earth could anyone enjoy this scribble-scrabble?"

"People who have an IQ higher than a potato quite enjoy this," I said. "So I guess you're out of the picture."

"Whatever." He crossed his arms. "But at least I'm not undesirable."

"Was that supposed to be an insult?" I laughed. "The last thing I'd ever want to be is desirable by your standards."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Louie raised an eyebrow.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I started to walk away. "I don't have time for this. Just leave me be."

"Where are you going?" Dewey stopped me. "We're only just getting started."

"Leave me alone," I said sternly.

"You heard her."

I turned around quickly to see where the familiar voice was coming from. Behind us, I saw Lisa glaring intensely at the boys. Her fist clenched and she looked like she could slice them with one swipe of her claws. The boys gasped when they saw her, and it definitely wasn't a pleasant one. Lisa neared her way closer, causing them to step back. A small smile came to my face.

"Leave her alone," she growled.

Hewey scoffed. "You think that you're so intimidating, huh? I'm the best hunter in our entire town."

She came in between Hewey and I at lightning speed. She kept one hand out to protect me as the other went to his neck. I gasped a bit, unaware Lisa could be this powerful. She was much stronger than him and could definitely hurt him if she wanted to. But I knew that her heart was too good to ever do that. I grabbed her hand lightly and squeezed it, hoping it would calm her down. It seemed to help as she released her grip on Hewey's neck.

"I'm not asking, bud," she snarled. "Leave her alone."

"Let's get out of here, man," I heard Louie whisper.

Hewey reluctantly agreed. "Don't think that this is the last of me, you beast."

He and the other boys ran off as quick as they could. Lisa growled at them as they left, baring her fangs. There was one thing I had learned about wolves. They were very protective beings. Since Lisa was half wolf, I had a feeling she'd be the same way. I felt safe around her, because I knew she wouldn't let anyone hurt me.

"Rosé." She quickly turned around to face me. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you? I'm sorry I-"

"Lisa." I lightly held her cheek. "I'm okay. You don't need to worry. I'm stronger than I look."

"Right," she said. "I know you can handle them and all, but the way they were talking, it just made me so mad. I couldn't help it."

"It's okay." I gave her a smile.

I took my hand off her cheek and pulled her in for a hug. My arms wrapped around her tightly as I leaned into the crook of her neck. She felt so nice to hug. Her fur was so soft against my skin and I felt myself melting into her. After a few moments I heard some sniffles from Lisa. I quickly pulled away, worried that I had done something wrong.

"Lisa, are you okay?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah." She wiped away a few tears, but more fell.

"Then why are you crying?" I looked up at her, concerned.

She sighed. "It's just that I haven't been hugged in years."

I could feel my heart break hearing her words. She hadn't had anyone to hold her all her life, it seemed. She was alone in this terrifying world. As much as people tend to act like they don't need anyone in their lives, they truly do every once in a while. Lisa was deprived of support and care, which hurt to hear.

"Sit with me," I gestured to the tree next to me.

She did as I said and we both sat under the tree. I moved closer to her to where our shoulders brushed. I gestured for her to come closer, which she looked confused by. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to my chest, leaning my head against hers.

"W-What are you doing?" she asked.

"You seem like you could use some more hugs," I said. "I'm just here to provide them."

She smiled. "You'd do that?"

I nodded. "Of course. Now, come sit in my lap. It's better that way."

"If you say so," she chuckled.

She moved into my lap, making me beam. I liked how her head tucked into my chest and her legs rested comfortably by mine. I had a lot of different feelings rushing through me in that moment. It was bittersweet. On the sweet side, the most beautiful girl was curled up in my lap adorably. But on the bitter side, this was her first time being held like this.

I ran a hand through her hair again, feeling the soft strands between my fingers. Her tail curled around my waist, as if she was pulling me in closer. I couldn't read too much into this. This was purely platonic on her end, I could guarantee.

"Those boys," Lisa piped up. "Who are they?"

"Idiots," I sighed. "They're just a bunch of cocky young men who think they can get any girl just by looking their way."

"Like an alpha?" she questioned.

I nodded. "Definitely. They've been on my back for years telling me that girls shouldn't read or learn things other than the role of a basic housewife."

"Can they read?"

I shook my head. "Not to my knowledge. They never thought it was important."

"They're scaredy cats," she said. "They're afraid that girls are stronger than them. Especially you. And me, I guess, but that's for other reasons."

"You know what? I think you're right," I replied. "And those things that they said, don't let them get to you. They're just for intimidation."

She shrugged. "I've been called worse. And I don't mind being called those things. As long as I can protect you."

I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "I'm glad I have you as my protector. But let me protect you every once in a while too, okay?"

"Okay." She beamed, snuggling into my chest a bit more.

The Lone Wolf: A Chaelisa Wolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now