Chapter Nine: Our Story

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"Lisa!" I whined. "It's too early."

"It's never too early for your birthday," she giggled.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. I gently rested my head against her back sleepily. There was a nice bonus to her having fur. She was an extra snuggly pillow this way. She continued on drinking her coffee, not paying my childish clinginess any mind. She was far too used to this to show much surprise.

"You know what I want for my birthday? Cuddles." I pouted.

"You're such a baby," she chuckled. "Just for a few minutes, okay?"

I nodded quickly as I dragged Lisa over to the couch. I laid on top of her chest, my head nuzzled in the crook of her neck. Her hand slowly ran through my hair in a repeated pattern. Occasionally, she would kiss the top of my head, which made me giggle.

Slowly but surely, our lives became seemingly normal. Lisa stayed with me, since she didn't want to be alone in the forest. Obviously, I had to explain to Mother why a new girl, who happened to be half wolf, was staying in our house. Mother obliged and had grown quite fond of Lisa. She even helped teach her things like reading, sewing, and cooking.

We still went out to the woods together on little outings. Sometimes we'd read by the old trees like we used to or play in the creek. Lisa had taught me about the wolf way of fishing, which was rather amusing to watch her do. She'd occasionally catch one in her mouth and bring it back to me, as if she was a puppy playing fetch.

It took weeks to feel comfortable going out to the town. I always went with Lisa to make sure that no one would hurt her. Of course we got weird looks, but I didn't even mind. I was proud of my princess. I wanted to show her off to the world. Lisa did quite enjoy dress shopping, so we went to the local boutique a lot. Thankfully, since Mother owned it, she could shoo away anyone who was being rude to us.

Lisa still had moments where all her insecurities about her appearance rushed back. It was like a switch was flipped in her. She'd keep putting herself down with words, which hurt my heart. On those days, I'd hold her close and keep telling her how beautiful she is. And she'd do the same to me on my bad days. Our relationship was entirely mutual.

"Rosie, I need to go get your cake," Lisa spoke.

"You made me a cake?" I perked up.

"Yeah, I tried at least. I don't know if it'll be any good." She scratched the back of her neck.

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "If you made it, it's most certainly delicious."

"You think of me so highly," she laughed as she got up.

"Because you're my princess." I followed her.

She still giggled at that nickname. "You're adorable."

"I know." I beamed. "But you're even cuter."

"I don't think that's possible."

"Oh, I think it is."

"And why do you think that?" She put a hand on her hip.

"I'm obviously not the cutest because you have the most adorable ears ever." I reached up to pet them. "Seriously, how are you so damn cute?"

"It's a gift," she joked. "Ooh, the cake's done!"

I bounced up and down as she pulled out the cake from the oven. With Mother's teaching, Lisa was getting really good at baking. She was quite fond of it too and wanted to develop her craft. She baked practically every day now and I was the designated taste tester. But I wasn't much help. I just really loved sweets.

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