Chapter Six: Dance With Me

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"Lisa, are you sure you know how to do this?" I asked.

"No, but I think I'm getting the hang of it," she replied.

She carefully wound each strand of my blonde hair into a long braid that draped down my back. Shockingly, she was better at this than I expected. Occasionally, her claw would get caught in my hair, which she felt really bad about. I would reassure her that it was okay and encourage her to keep going.

"There." She let go. "Do you like it?"

I smiled. "I love it. Thanks, Lis. Can you help me with my dress too?"

"Sure," she said.

Lisa was still a bit worried about going to the gala tonight. I could tell she was more anxious than she was when she asked me last night. And I couldn't blame her. The poor girl hadn't had human interaction for years until I came along, let alone gone to an exquisite party. I knew she was stepping out of her comfort zone, and I was proud of her for it.

She laced up my dress, her fingers tracing my back lightly. Mother had made many a dress for the gala that didn't get sold. Those were then given to me. But the one I was wearing was so immensely beautiful. I loved the way the pink material gathered on the skirt and the way the lace adorned the neckline gently. The tiny bows that lined the hem were so adorable and made the dress come together splendidly.

"You look really pretty," Lisa said from behind me.

"Thank you," I beamed. "Now, let's get you ready too. It's almost time."

"Rosé, are you sure you want to be seen with me?" she asked. "Your reputation, it'll be ruined because of me."

"What reputation?" I joked.

She gave me a half smile, but I could tell that more was bothering her. Even though she had a confidence burst, she was still insecure. Insecurities don't just disappear with the wave of a wand. They linger for years to come and slowly fade away. I placed my hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at me.

"I want to be seen with the prettiest girl in the world. Thankfully, she's right here next to me." I beamed.

I could see her cheeks redden at my words. "But I don't even know how to dance."

"Well then, get on your dress and I'll teach you," I said.

"M-My dress?" She seemed confused.

"Of course!" I chuckled. "Did you seriously think that I was going to let you go in there without the proper attire?"

I pulled out a lavender dress that was almost the same color as her present dress. However, this one was made of a beautiful chiffon. I had no idea how my mother got her hand on this material, but I was so happy she did. The beadwork on the bodice, the layering of the light fabric, the flowy sleeves, it was all perfect. Especially on Lisa. She looked like a princess out of a fairytale. I led her over to the mirror so she could see her radiance.

Her breath hitched. "In all my years, I never thought I'd be wearing something like this."

I wrapped my arms around her waist. "You're like a princess."

"I thought I was your puppy," she giggled.

"Why can't you be both?" I questioned.

She let out a light laugh as I leaned against her shoulder blade. She pet the top of my head as I nuzzled in deeper. I wasn't worried if people would look at us strangely. I wasn't worried about anyone's opinions on us. All I wanted was to have fun with Lisa. I wanted to dance with her and hold her hand as the music played. I wanted her.

"C'mon," I gripped her hand. "I thought you wanted me to teach you to dance."

She nodded and turned around to face me. God, she was even prettier up close. I pushed a lock of hair out of the way of her face and led her to the center of the room. I kept my hand intertwined with hers and I didn't want to let go. My other hand went to her waist, which caused her to look at me in surprise.

"You trust me, right?" I questioned.

"Of course." She smiled.

I guided her hand to rest on my shoulder. "Now come closer."

She moved slightly forward, but I urged her to close the gap more. Maybe it was an excuse just to be this close to her. I'd come up with many, but I quite enjoyed this one. Plus, I had to teach her how to dance before the gala anyway.

"A little more." She moved even closer to where there was barely any room. "Perfect."

"I-I've never done this before," she confessed.

"It's okay," I said. "I've got you."

Slowly, I began to teach her the basics. We glided around the room swiftly and delicately. Lisa danced as if she'd done it a million times over. She was quick to catch on and before I knew it, she was the one leading me.

I purely focused on the gorgeous smile that remained on her face. The setting sun came through the windows, reflecting off her hair. A halo of sorts formed around her, making her appear as though she was an angel that had come down from the heavens just to dance with me. To me, she was. She was my angel, my puppy, and my princess.

"You're a natural," I said to her once we sat down.

"You think so?" she questioned.

I nodded. "Yeah. You're the best dance partner I've ever had."

"Well, you're the best dance teacher I've ever had," she replied.

My cheeks flushed pink as I intertwined my fingers with hers. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, making her beam brighter. Her head rested on my shoulder sweetly. It fit perfectly there, like the missing piece to a puzzle. Her ear lightly grazed my cheek, but I didn't mind. I just loved the feeling of her being there. Although she was pretty, the way she looked didn't matter. It was her heart that did. And her heart was even more beautiful than one could ever imagine.

The sound of the village clock striking nine caused Lisa to jump against me. She quickly sat up and let go of my hand, much to my disappointment.

"It's time, isn't it?" she asked.

"Indeed," I replied.

Slowly, we made our way out to the streets. I held Lisa's hand tightly as we walked to the estate. She was extremely apprehensive about the whole ordeal and clung to me like a spider monkey. I tried to reassure her that it was going to be okay, but nothing I said calmed her nervous nature.

As much as I tried to ignore it, I knew what was happening around us. I could hear the whispers. I could see the judgemental looks. I heard words that I never wanted Lisa to hear her entire life. But the problem was, she did. She did and it was only tearing her up inside. I could tell.

She seemed to be on the brink of tears and I just wished that the world didn't have to be so cruel to someone as kind, sweet, and caring as her. I just wished that people were much more open-minded, whether it be to a girl who could read or one with wolf ears.

We neared the entrance and stopped at the front door. Lisa was trembling now, which only left me to worry more. I brought her closer and held the side of her cheek, feeling her soft fur in between my fingers. Her forehead leaned against mine, her breathing hushed. I could almost hear her heartbeat through her chest and it wasn't for the reason that I would've liked.

"Rosé, I-I'm sorry," Lisa whispered. "I can't. Not like this."

With that, she let go of my hand and sprinted off. I tried to run after her, calling her name, but it was no use. Because she was half wolf, she could run much faster than me. My heels started to become painful, so I stopped, panting heavily to catch my breath.

"Lisa," I begged, knowing she couldn't hear me. "Please come back."

The Lone Wolf: A Chaelisa Wolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now