Chapter Five: Special

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"What are you doing with that thing?" Lisa backed away slightly.

"This?" I held up the hairbrush. "It's not a weapon or anything. I'm just going to brush your fur."

"What's wrong with my fur?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing," I said. "It's just tangled. I reckon you haven't brushed it in a while?"

She shook her head. "I can't even remember the last time I did."

I gestured for her to come closer to me. "Come here."

She did as I said and moved to my lap on the bed. I lightly ran the hairbrush through the tufts, making sure not to hurt her. Was this just an excuse to hold her? No one could prove it. However, she definitely was in need of a good pampering. I imagine there aren't many spas in the woods.

"Ouch," she growled as I brushed through a large tangle.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I didn't mean to."

"It's okay," she said. "This is what I get for not taking better care of myself."

"Can I ask you something?"

"You're already touching my fur, Rosé."

"No, not that," I chuckled. "Have you always lived in the woods?"

She sighed. "Not always. My parents were a part of a pack, as they were both werewolves. I never met them, though. They were killed by hunters when I was a baby. An old woman found me and took me in for a few years. She was apparently my godmother and knew all about my werewolf parents."

"So, if they were werewolves, how come you're not?" I asked.

"It's a bit hard to explain," she began. "I was expected to be born on a certain day of the lunar calendar, the one werewolves follow. But the problem was, I came too early. I came on a full moon, right as my parents were shifting. Because of that, the lunar calendar was thrown off balance, and I ended up being born half wolf. My godmother said that my parents were happy. She said that I was lucky to have survived that. Most werewolf children don't."

"You're really special, Lis." I placed my hand over hers. "I truly hope you know that."

She smiled. "You're a bit cliché, you know that?"

I nodded. "It's part of my charm. But please, tell me more."

"Well, my godmother raised me practically from birth. She's the only parent I've ever known. She raised me as a human girl and not as a wolf. Because of that, I never got along well with the wolves. They thought I was too puny and weak to be in their pack, even though it was the one my parents belonged to. So, I grew up pretending I was human until my godmother died of a heart attack."


I pulled her in for a hug, holding her close to my chest. My hand ran through her hair as she nuzzled against me. I could feel a few of her tears fall on my chest. Lisa had one of the roughest lives imaginable. I couldn't even begin to think of how hard that was for her. She lost her parents, her godmother, everyone important in her life. But I knew one thing. She wouldn't lose me.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered.

"It's okay." She sat up. "I've been doing fine on my own for the past ten years."

"You've been all alone in that forest since you were eight?" I gawked.

She nodded.

I pulled her in for another hug. "I should have found you sooner."

"Yeah, you should've," she joked, poking me in the side.

"Hey!" I squealed, poking her back.

Back and forth we went, Lisa poking me with her ticklish jabs and me doing the same back. I loved hearing her small little giggle bellow around the room. Her tail swished cutely, making me laugh. Before I knew it, I had fallen on top of her, my hair dangling above her precariously.

She looked up at me, her golden eyes gazing in mine. My hand went to her hair, pushing it back so I could see all of her beauty. I could feel her arm wrap around my waist, causing my breath to hitch. My gaze shifted from her eyes to her lips. They looked so sweet to me.

But I knew it best not to. I could ruin everything in one quick movement. She might think I'm disgusting or predatory. I didn't want to screw up our seemingly perfect friendship. I cared about her a lot, and for that reason, I had to disregard my own temptations. I pushed myself off her and sat back up. She did the same, giving me a look of confusion.

"Rosie, are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "I'm fine. It's getting late. We should probably get some sleep."

Lisa nodded. "I agree."

She started to head to the door, but I caught her wrist before she could. She turned back to me, startled.

"Wait!" I shouted. "Where are you going?"

"Back to the woods," she replied.

"But I don't want you to go," I insisted.

"You want me to stay?" she questioned.

I nodded. "I need my puppy."

Her lips curled into a small smile, showing a bit of her fangs. I gestured for her to lay next to me on the bed and she did. My bed was rather small, so our faces were only a matter of inches apart. But this was only beneficial for me. I pet the fur on Lisa's ear, making her giggle.

"Stop it!" she playfully whined. "You know I can't resist that!"

"Which is why I do it." I smirked. "Plus, it's cuddly."

She jokingly rolled her eyes. "You are impossible sometimes."

"I know." I winked. "Lisa?"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming into my life," I said. "I never knew I needed you."

I wasn't expecting a response, and if there was one, I was too sleepy to comprehend it. I nuzzled into Lisa's chest, feeling her arm wrap around me. I couldn't tell what our friendship was. We were playful, we were sweet, and we were touchy. But what were we? A part of me wanted to give her a quick peck on the cheek, just to test the waters, but my conscience knew not to. Instead, I felt her soft tail curl around my leg as I drifted off to sleep.

The Lone Wolf: A Chaelisa Wolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now