Chapter Seven: Not You Again

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I strolled over to the corner of the lavish ballroom. The mayor's home was quite extravagant. He always opted for the best things. The best houses, the best clothing, the best food, it was all just a game to him about finding the best.

The townspeople had been taken advantage of because of his gluttony. The expensive taxes all went to fund his lavish "necessities," as he referred to them. The tax price had only gone up since his election, and it was quite dreadful to endure. Mother and I had almost lost our home on multiple occasions due to his tyrannical rule.

One could say that I boycotted most of his events. They were all a pure ruse just to get the public back on his side. To most oblivious people, his tactics worked. It was rare that I'd ever go to one of his shindigs. The only reason why I came to this one was to have an excuse to dance with Lisa.

Speaking of which, I hadn't seen that girl at all in the past half hour I'd been here. I felt my heart still broken in half after she said those words. I was heartbroken for her. I wanted her to feel free to be herself, but I knew that was difficult. It was hard for her to trust me at first, let alone strangers whom she'd never met before. Above all else, I just hoped she was okay.

"Look who decided to show up."

I turned quickly to see the three boys that I immensely despised coming near me. All of them were wearing typical sneers plastered on their faces, as well as suits in the colors red, green, and blue. Their hair was lifted higher than all their IQs with an excessive amount of styling. If anything, they looked like spoiled brats. Oh, wait. That's exactly what they were.

"We haven't seen you around here, Bookworm," Dewey muttered.

"What's the reason for showing up today, huh?" Louie raised an eyebrow.

"None of your business," I snapped.

"Still feisty, I see," Hewey snickered.

"Still nosey, I see," I fired back.

"Touché," he muttered, then shooed his brothers away. "You know, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be pushed to the side of such an event."

"Is that your way of asking me to dance with you?" I crossed my arms. "Because the answer is no, Romeo."

"My name's Hewey."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Besides, why would you want to dance with me? You hate me."

"Well, just between you and me, the other girls here aren't as good-looking as you," he whispered in my ear.

I shoved him off of me. "Is beauty all that matters to you?"

"What else is there?" he chuckled.

"You should write a book," I fumed. "'How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less.'"

"You're just selfish," he spat.

"I'm the one who's selfish?" I yelled. "You're nothing but a narcissistic, boastful, rich boy."

"Thanks for the compliments." He smirked.

"I don't see how people like you exist," I hissed.

He put his hand on the wall behind me and leaned in. "Don't worry, there's plenty of me to go around."

I punched him in the stomach, causing him to wince loudly. "Go find another girl to be your playdate. This girl's got priorities."

"You'll regret this. I'm the only chance you've got at making your family proud," he said.

"Mother would be happier if I died an old maid than if I married you," I argued.

By then, I was done. I didn't want to deal with anyone as awful as Hewey. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened to me. I had been stopped multiple times by guys on the street, and all of them were just the same. It disgusted me how little they thought of women. They thought we were just playthings that looked pretty. I wasn't a trophy wife and I never would be.

As I was about to leave, I felt a hand grab mine and pull me back. God, was this boy persistent. How many times would I have to tell him no? He needed to let it go.

"Hewey, I thought I told you to fuck off!" I shouted.

"And I thought I promised you a dance."

When I looked up, I didn't see Hewey in his frilly blue suit. Instead, I saw a girl in a familiar lavender dress. The girl was the same as she'd always been, yet she was different. Her skin was soft to the touch and ears were hidden under her locks of brown hair. I reached up to touch her cheek, which seemed to have a light amount of rouge. Or maybe her cheeks were just that rosy.


The Lone Wolf: A Chaelisa Wolf AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat