The rogues

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Nirmala's POV

I was awoken by Surak.

"Morning." I said as I stretched and yawned. Me and Surak had a lot planned today. First they were going to check on the snow leopard cubs then go on patrol with the night pride. When we got there we saw nothing. I sniffed the the air for the scent of them then i heard a rustle and two white flashes shot past my and hit Surak full force, it was the cubs. They had Surak pinned under them and I found that so funny.

"Nirmala, please help me!" Surak screamed, I just laughed. I soon picked the cubs off when I saw Ode. Ode was the messenger. She swooped down so delicately.

"The prince calls for you." Ode said in a very noble way. I glanced at Surak and he nodded. We rushed off with Ode in the lead. 


When we got there we saw a group of lionesses and they were forcing their way in. I jumped into action. I lunged at one of the lionesses, hissing. I clung to her back as she tried to throw me off. I saw Surak run forward to help his brother. I saw and lioness pounce towards him from behind.

"Surak! Behind you!" I called and he spun around but it was to late. The lionesses hit him full force and sent him flying. I saw the lionesses go to finish him off. I wouldn't let her hurt him. I pushed off of the lioness I was on. I landed with a loud thud but I didn't stop as soon as my paws touched the ground I broke into a run. I slid right in front of Surak. I snarled at the lionesses when she took another step towards us.

"Back away, dear, this is not your fight." She snarled and I snarled back. I planted both my feet firmly on the ground and glared at her. Surak lay unconscious behind me.

"I will make it my fight."

"Okay but no backing out." She said them lunged at me. I tackled her and we rolled around hissing. I slashed her face leaving a cut under her eye. She growled in pain. She pinned me to the ground. Drool dripped in my face and eyes. She raised her paw and I prepared myself for the strike. A loud roar split through the air and we all froze. I looked up to see the lioness had gone white. I twisted my head to try to see. I saw queen Janna and her husband king Erevu and behind them was my mom and a bunch of other lions. The lioness on me backed off. I jumped to my paws and ran to where Surak was. I slipped him onto my back. I saw that the lionesses were retreating. I grinned with satisfaction.

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