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Y/ns POV:
I had woken up to the sound laughter and screaming. "GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" Noah shouted, I groaned loudly and rolled out of bed. I walked into the living room.

There I saw, Kio, Cam, Finn, Quincy, and Noah. "WHY DO I HAVE TO WEAR A SKIRT!" Noah shouted, Finn was dressed up as Maui. "WHY COULDN'T I BE MAUI?!" Noah asked.

"Because Moana is better than Maui. Remember you lost the bet." Cam smirked evilly as she kissed Noah on the cheek. Noah groaned loudly. "Why do I have to do this again?" Finn hissed.

"Because Kio and I arent doing it. Besides your Noah's best friend." Quincy added, Finn groaned loudly. "You're lucky I'm your friend and not your brother." Finn rolled his eyes.

"Y/N! HURRY UP AND GET READY SO WE CAN LEAVE!" Cam shouted, "Leave?" I asked, Cam nodded. I sighed and walked back to my room. I quickly changed and walked back.

☝︎ 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚟𝚎 ☝︎

We all started walking to a near by doc were we could rent a boat. Cam made Noah purchase it and then forced him onto the boat. Noah got pushed into the boat by Cam.

"I'm not going on this without you!" Noah shouted as he grabbed Cams arm and dragged her into the boat. "LET ME GO!" Cam shouted as she frowned at Noah.

Finn sighed and hopped in. "If you get to bring Cam I get to bring Y/n." Finn mumbled Noah nodded and so did Cam. "WAIT WHAT-" Finn grabbed my arm and pulled me into the boat.

Then Quincy took the rope and tied it onto the a small hook on the boat. "Pull the role when you guys wanna come back." Quincy mentioned.

We nodded and the boat drifted away. Soon we found ourselves in the middle of the river. Finn and I turned to eachother. "So, you posted the photo." Finn mumbled.

I chuckled slightly and scoffed "Maybe, maybe not." Finn rolled his eyes and groaned. "You're mean." Finn frowned. We turned to Noah and Cam, they were basically making out.

Disgusting. Finn and I splashed water on them and they switched their attention to us. "BITCHES!" Cam shouted, "WHAT THE HELL!" Noah shouted.

Finn and I began to giggle, we leaned onto eachother. Noah and Cam splashed us back, soon enough we found ourselves in a water fight. We were splashing eachother so much.

"TRUCE!" I shouted, "GOOD!" Cam shouted, then we all stopped splashing eachother. Then we sat in silence. "We should go back now." Finn mumbled.

We nodded and he proceeded to tug on the rope. But nothing, our boat hasn't moved at all, "I'l tug the rope." Finn muttered.

He tugged the rope hardly and the rope came flying back to were it reached the end of the rope. "SHIT!" Finn shouted, we all started panicking.


Just then we heard a boat approach us. "Hey are you guys okay?!" The voice asked, it sounded very familiar. I turned around to see Conan. My old friend before I moved away.

"CONAN?!" I shouted. "Y/n?" He mumbled. He jumped off his boat and gave me a gaint hug. "I CANT BELIEVE ITS YOU!" He smiled. I pulled away from our hug and stared at him.

"OKAY THIS IS A NICE RUNION BUT NOW ISNT A GOOD TIME FOR THAT!" Cam shouted, I rolled my eyes. "Are you guys like stranded or lost or something?" Conan asked.

We all nodded, "Yeah, can you help us back?" Finn asked as he walked next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah Please Conan." I smiled.

He nodded. "Of course jump in my boat!" Conan said as he jumped from his boat to ours. I helped everyone out and I was the last one to jump.

When I was about to jump I slipped and almost missed it until Conan grabbed me. "Y/N!" Conan shouted, then he pulled me onto the boat. "Thanks.." I smirked.

"No problem, now come on! Let's go back!" Conan mentioned as he helped me up.

Finn's POV:
My face turned red as I watched them flirt with eachother. Noah pulled me onto the side. "Are you okay?" He asked, "I'm just fine thanks for asking." I scoffed.

Noah chuckled quietly to himself. "What?" I asked, then he started to giggle. "Are you jealous?" He asked, I groaned loudly and rolled my eyes.

"So you are!" Noah laughed, I exhaled deeply and stared at him angrily. "I. Am. Not." I spat. Noah continued to laugh and giggle all over again, I sighed.

"You are too." He chuckled, I huffed loudly and pursed my lips. "Ya know Conans g-" "NOAH! BABE! I NEED YOUR HELP WITH SOMETHING!" Cam yelled.

"ILL BE THERE IN A SEC!" Noah shouted back, "Conans what?" I asked, Noah sighed softly. "Tell you later. As for now I need to help Cam before she ends up throwing me off this boat."

He walked off and I was left alone. I rolled my eyes and walked around the boat were I saw Conan and Y/n talking to eachother. I wouldnt say I was eavesdropping

Just maybe, listening to their conversation. "I missed you so much! It's been kinda lonely since you left not gonna lie." Conan laughed, Y/n frowned.

She hugged him tightly. "I missed you too idiot." Y/n chuckled, they pulled away from eachother. "Look, maybe we could go out for a walk on the town together just the two of us?"

"Maybe later or maybe when we get back?" He asked, "Sure!" Y/n laughed. I rolled my eyes and scoffed quietly then I walked away.

Y/n's POV:
"Maybe we can have a sleepover!" I smiled, "YESS!" Conan agreed. "OMG I CAN PAINT YOUR NAILS, Since I'm like an expert." Conan laughed, "you stupid ass. Last time I let you."

"You got nail polish remover all over my carpet!" I laughed, "THAT WAS ALL YOU, YOU MADE ME LAUGH TOO HARD BITCH!" Conan shouted. "Whatever. YOU CAN MEET MY FRIENDS ASWELL!"

"Sounds Amazing! And were almost to shore!" Conan added. I was so excited, I mean I had just found my old bestfriend....

Hey guys! I wanted to add Conan
because hes a LITERAL king thank
You very much sisters anyways
Thank you for reading
Stay safe love yall ♡

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐊 | Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now