6 | Song With A Value

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Slapping of wind against windows, created sounds of cracking, matching the emotion of Dahini the moment. The knife was just inches away and she gazed at it in terror. Dhruv or the something in form of Dhruv was chortling nonchalantly, as she weeped.

"P-please . . . D-do not k-k"

"Ssh!" He ordered and continued to guffaw. More than anything, his laughter felt haunted than his appearance and intention. The knife nighed her throat, it touched her skin simultaneous to his laughter. She was about to scream, but his guffaw died down before she could. The noises of windows faded away.

They both heard with keen attention, as a mellifluous voice ascended from low to high tone. She could see fear in his eyes. That sent a surge of relief through Dahini. Why was he afraid? Was anything coming more dangerous than the creature than was clutching her in the form of her husband? The mere thought erupted a shrill of electricity down her spine.

It's a dream, Dahini. Wake up. Wake up, she said to herself. But she couldn't wake up. She squeezed her eyelids shut, but opened them soon as a slow tone humming voice reverberated across the house again. The voice was soft and sweet. It was a woman's. It raised to high tone and words replaced the hums.

It is only you and me
My dear
I am for you
You are for me
And nothing else

Never weep . . .
You are born to be valiant
I am always with you . . .

The voice trailed off and sadness filled it as it hummed again. The lyrics didn't seem exactly as a song, but something that was like comforting someone. There was pure agony in the voice. That made Dahini to weep more. She gazed down sadly, listening to the song as if she was used to.

The creature holding her was making no movement. The knife was still near her neck, dangling in air. There was no source of the voice. But the sound was clear. Soon, it faded away, filling anguish in the environment.

His grasp on Dahini loosened more. Seeking this as a chance, she freed herself and sprinted into the bedroom, tears steaming down her face in fear, confusion and trauma. She locked the door and stared into the blank gust of wind in horror.

What happened? What was that? A ghost? She gulped. It was in the form of Dhruv. Was he playing a prank on her? If that was so, she was sure to kill him. What about that song?

"Urgh!" She clutched her hair in confusion and irritation. She continued to ponder, only to be baffled more. She was standing against the door, almost pushing it. There was no noise of footsteps. Nor she remembered him following her or chasing her. He just stood there.

Why was that so? Did the song do something to him? Who sang it? Why he wanted to kill her? What was that 'he'? Was it a strange creature? A ghost? Or something else in the disguise of her husband? Or was it her husband?

These many questions littered her brain, causing her to be hurt more. Moving of things behind her and rickety noise of floor alarmed her and she turned swiftly in dread.

A huge sigh left her mouth and she exhaled sharply as a furrowing perplexed Dhruv who just woke up from sleep came into her sight instead of an eye-less man with wicked grin, waiting to cut her neck.

Fresh tears brewed in her eyes and she flung her arms around the man who didn't have single prediction of what was going on. Her arms were locked at his neck firm and she sobbed out in confusion and fear.

Her face was buried in the hollow of his shoulder. Fragrance of his after shave filled her nostrils. She hid her face more, not wanting to face anything the moment. She felt protected in the arms of her husband. That was enough for her.

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