Chapter 6

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We got bk to mine to find all the girls in the front room on karaoke, we walked in and they stopped, don't stop on our account I said laughing, Sophie piped up what u looking so happy about, I looked at mark and we smiled at each other , I looked at the girls and said well that job I had the interview for last wk, I got it I start mon!! We were greeted by shouting screaming and everyone jumping on me, Rachel said we need to celebrate, ok but let's stay here I said, cool we'll order takeaway and we'll have a karaoke party shouted Gemma, sounds good to me, I turned to mark and said hey how bout you stay and ask the others to come and join us, yea if that's ok, cause it is, u ring the lads and I'll sort the take out I smiled. Suddenly my phone rang before I could put the number in, I looked at the name flashing in front of me it was steve, I answered it hi steve what's up, hey baby listen I've landed myself that big deal I was telling u about, wow amazing, yea but the only prob is it's abroad, oh right so what are you saying, I think we should call it a day, I don't think it will work, were both so busy with our new jobs we'll never get to see or speak to each other, oh right ok so what ur saying is u don't love me anymore, but I didn't want to say that, so u don't, well no, right well thx I hope the job goes well bye. I put the phone down, threw it onto the table and ran to my room crying. Steph followed me along with mark, michelle babe wait up she shouted, go away and leave me alone I shouted, mark told steph he'd talk to me, he gently knocked on my door and came in, he saw me sobbing on my bed he came over and sat next to me and put his arm round me and pulled me in close, what's happened? I told him all about it, he took my face in his hands and looked at me whilst wiping my tears away with his thumbs, well I'd try and forget about him, he doesn't no what he's missing out on, what's that then I said wiping my eyes, someone who's beautiful inside and out, someone who's so caring and funny, I cud feel his breath on my face as his face got nearer to mine, suddenly the door opened and we flew apart, Ben stuck his head round the door, hey guys sorry to interrupt foods here, ok we'll be out in a min, ok he shut the door we looked at each other and mark said we better go, yea ok I said, he took my hand and we went to join the others, hey Hun are u ok the girls said, yep I'm gud, now let's get this party started!!

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