Chapter 15

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The phone started to ring in our hotel room the lady on reception was ringing to let us no our car was here, ok thanku well be down in a second I put the phone down, And turned to look at the girls right this is it shall we go, bring it on said Rachel, we all had a big group hug grabbed our jackets and made our way down to the lobby, we met the driver when we got downstairs and he showed us to the car, we jumped in and set off. When we arrived the driver took us over to a big gate at the back of the venue where we met the boys manager, we said thanku to the driver and followed the manager through the door, wow it's huge in here Sophie laughed suddenly a door opened we quickly put our hoods up and looked down at our phones, hey Ben said his manager u ok? Yea fine we can't wait to finish the show so we can talk to our girls again, any chance u can hurry it up abit mate, I'll see what I can do, u get yourself bk to the lads and I'll let u no, ok cheers mate and he went bk into the others, phew we said taking down our hoods and puttin our phones away that was close!! Right ladies let's get u seated so they can get on with the show he laughed. We all followed him to our seats and sat down, we were all so excited to see them perform, just then the lights went down and the music began, we were deafened by all the screams around us as the lads appeared on stage, they started by singing take on me then caught in the middle then they did a couple more songs before going to a interval, the atmosphere was buzzing. Omg that was amazing said Sophie as we made our way to the refreshment stand, we then heard a 5 min call so we made our way back to our seats and got comfy, then the lights went down and the screaming started as the boys again appeared on stage singing every time, oh my god the tears started at that point it hit us how much we missed the boys, then the song finished and mark started talking, right everyone at every date on this tour we have added a song to our set list you might know it, we're dedicating to 3 special young ladies back home in England who unfortunately can't be here on the tour, suddenly Aerosmith I don't want to miss a thing starts up and the boys start singing, me Sophie and Rachel all stand there hugging each other crying our eyes, the crowd go mad screaming clapping chanting A1, we are stood there so proud and nobody knew they were talking about us 😊
When the concert had finished we ran to the toilets to sort our make up out, then headed out to the car and off to the bar, we sat round the back of the bar until the guys had gone in then the driver took us into a room in the bar so we could hear what was being said but they couldn't hear or see us. Suddenly we heard the music stop and their manager called them over to some seats and said right guys we've got you a surprise birthday present, Christian your included too, now we all know how much you've been missing the girls but unfortunately there's nothing we can do until we go home, but we thought we'd sort out a lil pressie to cheer u all up, ok said Ben not strippers I hope, no laughed his manager, now stand up and close your eyes, ok the boys laughed nervously but they did as they were told, we then got the signal to come in so we quietly walked over to the boys and stood in front of them holding hands nervously, the guys were told to open their eyes and as they did we shouted SURPRISE!! Omg they shouted and ran over to us sweeping us up in their arms and spinning us round before setting us down and kissing us, omg we've missed you all so much, how did you get here? We explained all to them and how their manager was in on it helping us and how we were at the concert, wait u were at the concert mark said, yep and we loved the Aerosmith song we smiled, wow I still can't believe ur here they said, well u better believe it lol, mark pulled me in for a hug and said this is the best present ever thankyou, ur very welcome mr read I smiled at him before leaning in for a kiss. Then the guys all shouted let's get this party started!!

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