Chapter 29

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The boys are back from touring and Ben and rach's big day is fast approaching everyone is really excited, tonight the girlies are out on the town for rach's hen night we head around to hers and get changed into our 80's themed outfits consisting of the leggings, leg Warmer's, tutus, Frankie says relax tees, there's a knock on the door that'll be the girls I shout as I run down the stairs to get the door, when I open it there's a guy stood there holding a massive bouquet of flowers and a box containing bottles of champagne, Rachel? He asks I'm not hang on, Rachel I shout get down here,she come running down the stairs woah she says as she arrives at the door, these are for you miss, there's a card there with them, enjoy your night, wow thanku we will. I shut the door and Rachel reads the card, omg it's from Ben and the lads they said there's something to start the night off with and they hope we have a fab time, aww bless em I'll txt mark to let him no we received them, ok cool I'll meet u upstairs 😊 I hear her run off upstairs then she shouts thanku boys, everyone starts shouting as they get the drinks flowing.
We look out the window to see our limo pull up outside, are we ready girls!!! Wooooooo let's go everyone shouts as we head out the door and into the limo, the poor limo driver doesn't know what to do with himself as we all climb in and get straight on the karaoke, we sing all the way to the venue before nearly falling out of the limo in hysterics, we head straight to the bar and grab drinks before taking over the dance floor, we then head off to another club a couple hrs later we bump into some guys that were at the last club that took an interest in a few of the girls, Sam one of rach's friends came over with a fella, Michelle?! Russ omg what u doing here? U 2 no eachother? Sam questioned er yea girls this is my cousin Russ, Russ this is Rachel and I guess u already no Sam I say laughing, nice to meet u Rachel u must be the hen lol , that's me she laughs, we get talking for abit, he asks how mark and Leah are, there fine thx altho she's growing too quick lol, we chat for abit longer before I say I better get bk to the girls, no problem, he gives me a hug take care and have fun, yea u too keep in touch.
I head over to the girls and we carry on partying, it gets to 3am so we head bk to the limo extremely drunk giggling and stumbling all the way bk, when we get bk to rach's we fall through the door and crash on the floor, were that drunk we stop where we drop and fall to sleep.
Next morning I'm woken by a banging on the door I look at my watch it's 11am I groan and get up to get the door, I open it to be greeted by the guys, woah u look rough says Ben laughing, yea cheers for that, the boys all start laughing they head inside to the kitchen, coffee asks mark, yea make it strong plz babe, so we're guessing it was a gud night lol, yea I think so thx Chris I no we didn't get in until 3 so it must've been a gud night hahaha I've just got a slight hang over, slight asks mark, yea ok babe a massive hangover lol, he comes over and gives me a big hug aww I'll look after u as he kisses my head. The others start to wake up, afternoon sleepy heads they all look and feel the same as me, afternoon they mumble, oh hey guys, afternoon ladies they say laughing. I'm off to get changed bk in a min, I go and have a shower to freshen up and get changed, I get downstairs the guys r talking to the girls, well I feel abit more human now lol. I go and give rach a hug I'm gonna go get Leah but I'll be bk later for the last fitting before the big day 😉😊 cool I'll see you bout 5, I'll be there. Me and mark head off to see Leah, leaving Ben and Chris with a load of hungover women. A few hrs later I'm bk at rach's and the dress fitter is there ready, we take it in turns to stand and have our dress checked over, hey what songs r u having to walk down the aisle and for your first dance? I want to walk down the aisle to shania twain from this moment, and we wanted our first dance to be remember the Aerosmith song the boys sang for us at the concert in Norway, I don't wanna miss a thing, yeah that one, aww great choices I said with a cheeky grin on my face 😉 she was none the wiser 😃
A couple of days later the big day had arrived Ben and Chris were at ours with mark and me and Leah had stayed over at rach's with her and Sophie, we were all up really early and bouncing off the walls with excitement, we had a champagne brekkie then the hair and makeup girls came round and the videographer, we got ready and came out to show rach, wow u look gorgeous and look at lil Leah bless her, next it was her turn, she said r u ready girls, as she entered the room we were like omg stunning just stunning, I cud feel the tears starting as I hugged my best friend, the photographer took loads of pics and video before we set off.
The guys were already there and Ben was pacing up and down, any more pacing mate you'll wear a hole in the carpet laughed mark, sorry mate I'm so nervous what if she doesn't turn up, cause she will mate she loves u too much and wouldn't stand u up, just then the registrar comes in, right guys are u ready the girls have just arrived, Ben gives out a big sigh thank god, I told u she would turn up, c'mon lets get u in there to see her, they follow the registrar through to the main room and wait for us in there. Right are you ready Hun, yep I think so let's do it, we make our way in, psst soph take Leah for me, she gives me the thumbs up and I run off to the room next door, they get to the top of the aisle and the music starts Sophie starts walking down with Leah, Ben turns to mark where's chel? I have no idea he says glancing round, suddenly I appear at the door opp them singing from this moment as my best friend walks down the aisle to be with her v soon to be husband and my other best friend Ben, the lads look over at me and smile I give them a cheeky wink and as the song comes to an end I make my way over to Sophie and give her a big hug, well done she whispers, the ceremony continues, I now pronounce u husband and wife u may kiss ur bride, everyone whoops and cheers as the newlyweds walk up the aisle, Sophie and Chris link arms and follow them then mark comes over to me and I take his hand and we follow the guys, when we get outside we go and join the others, well well I wasn't expecting that she laughed, expecting what I said oblivious, you my best friend singing me down the aisle it was beautiful she said squeezing me tight, everyone agrees thankyou babe, ur v welcome 😊 mark turns round it really was beautiful babe I didn't realise where you were until u walked out, voice of an angel, awww stop ur making me blush lol, did I mention how beautiful u look also, aww thx babe I lean in and give him a kiss. Time for photos guys, he took some of the guys then us girls and big group pics then he took some of the couples, afterwards we made our way inside for the meal and speeches, then abit later the evening guests started arriving, I pulled mark Chris and soph to one side and said look I was thinking we could do their first dance song what do u reckon? Yea that's a great idea said soph it'll be a first for me anyway I say, whys that asks Chris, well the whole time we've all been together I've not sang with you lol, what not even mark, he shakes his head with a sad face so I poke him which made him laugh, cool that's sorted I'll give u the nod when were gud to go 😊 what u lot planning rach says nothing at all I say with guilty looks on our faces lol, can I take Leah for a dance? yea cause u can so she takes her off onto the dance floor. Abit later the dj calls me over, time for the first dance, cool thanks mate, he hands me a microphone, right ladies and gentleman if you could clear the dance floor please it's time for the newlyweds first dance, Ben joins rach on the dance floor and he picks Leah up so she can join in, the music starts I start singing, then mark comes up and sings with me then Chris and soph join us on stage, just to see their faces was a picture, it was truly a magical moment, when we finished the song we jumped of stage and ran over to them and had a big group hug, by this time I was a wreck lol. We carried on partying with them until the early hrs before vacating to our suites.
When we got in mark said that was just amazing, oh I no it was so magical and so emotional at the same time seeing 2 of our best friends getting married I loved it, well I think it's our turn next, I turn to face him, maybe we should start planning and set a date, really omg I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly I pull away, I'll take that as a yes then lol, oh def yes 😊 right that's sorted then well start looking and discussing things and get things set in concrete 😃 I love you soo much soon to be mrs read, I love you more mr read, as we move in closer our lips lock he kisses me softly.

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