How they met her

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JJ age 3

She was sitting on the beach building a sandcastle but the waves kept making it disappear

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She was sitting on the beach building a sandcastle but the waves kept making it disappear.

"Again?" She whines she attempts to rebuild it but yet again fails to do so.

She frowns "Building it there isn't gonna do nothing" a voice she didn't recognize spoke.

She looks up at the voice to see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Around her age maybe a year older.

"Here let me show you" the boy speaks grabbing her hand. He walks her over to dry sand.

He grabs the bucket she was using to build the sand castle and walks over to where she was previously sitting at.

He fills the bucket with wet sand then walks over to where he left the girl.

"Then you gotta make a flat surface" he instructs the girl. She does as told and then they build the sandcastle together.

"Wait it needs something" the girl says as they admire their work.

She gets an idea and drags the random boy to find some seashells.

They gather a few seashells then take them back to the castle.

They talk as they decorate the sandcastle.

Once they finish, the little girl engulfs the random boy in a hug.

"Thank you for helping me" she speaks happily "you're welcome" he replies hugging her back.

"What's your name?" She asks after she lets the boy go "JJ" "Mine is Annaliese but you can call me Anna or Annie. Will you be my boyfriend?" She asks.

"Sure" the boy shrugs "Ok! Come on I want you to meet my mommy and daddy" she replies giving the boy a big grin.

And that's exactly what the two did they walked off to meet her parents.

Kiara age 5

It was her first mid summers

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It was her first mid summers. She was happily dancing around with some older kids when she saw a little girl sitting on the steps by herself.

She trots over to the little girl.

"Are you ok?" Annie questions the girl sitting next to her. "No I'm bored" the little girl confesses to Annie.

"Nice to meet you bored I'm Annaliese" Annie replies with a toothy smile showing off her two missing front teeth.

The girl next to her giggles "Nooo my name is actually Kiara" Kiara says smiling.

"Can I call you Kie Kie?" Annie asks and Kiara chuckles beside her "Yeah" she replies happily.

"You wanna be friends?" "Best friends"

And from then on that's what the girls were best friends

Pope age 7

They were paired together for the science fair

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They were paired together for the science fair. The two smartest kids in class paired together.

"Ok so I think we should do the project on the different kinds of sunblock and how well they work" Annie suggests.

"Maybe but we could also do which type of paper airplane works the best" Pope says "You know what that sounds way funner than testing sunblock"

Who would've thought that a science project would start a friendship that would last a life time.

John B age 8

Her father had just died

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Her father had just died. So she ran from her problems.

Tears spilling from her eyes as she bolted away from the hospital were he was pronounced dead.

She runs as fast as her legs can carry her until she runs into someone.

"I'm sorry are you ok?" The boy asks helping her up "I um" she stutters trying to wipe her tears.

"Hey your Annaliese right?" He asks and she nods "I think we have the same lunch time" he mumbles.

"Why are you crying?" He asks looking into her puffy eyes. "I don't want to talk about it" she says looking at the ground.

"Are you sure?" he asks the girl
"I know we don't know each other but you can tell me what's wrong. I won't tell anyone" he persuades.

And that's exactly what she did. Annie told him everything.

Her dad, her grandma, her mother's miscarriage and for the first time she had someone who actually listened.

A/N: ok so this chapter was really fun for me to write and I thought the pictures were a cute thing to include.

The reason I thought it was important to tell you guys how they met her was because I wanted you to see the different type of friendship she has with each person.

The pictures are of significance to the chapter because they represent what their friendship looks like.

I hope you guys are enjoying this even though we aren't actually in the story yet but we will be soon I promise!!!

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