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•Millie's pov•

I let out a sigh not entirely sure why I was staring at the ocean below on a very cold evening. Inhaling the salty air that surrounded me, thoughts of past life choices cycled through my mind.

What is wrong with me?

Too often that question has been asked. Sadly I can never answer that question. Something had to be wrong with me or at least something made me feel off. If I could just figure out what it was, maybe just maybe could I be happy again.


My attention shifted from my self loathing to the people on the beach. From the looks of it the scream came from the couple that were right in front of my gaze. The girl was sitting on the sand with her hands over her eyes while the guy rushed to her side.

"Ah geez, I am so sorry Katie! I didn't mean to."

I assumed they had been playing around before things went downhill. That thought alone made me think of how life is the same way. You think everything is going well just for it to come and bite you in the ass. Sometimes even the most painful attacks come from the people you love most.

Still not sure why I was here, my thoughts drifted to my boyfriend. He wasn't into me like he had been in the beginning of our relationship. We used to be so close, but that all changed the moment he got a new job. He now choses to spend more of his time with his friends or at work rather than with me. I should break up with him soon. No sense in waiting for someone who doesn't want to be waited on.

As my self loathing got even worse I happened to look to my right to see a guy leaning against the railing. I didn't think much of it and was about to turn away until the guy climbed on top and stood on the edge as if he was planning to jump.

Moving on it's own, my body was already half way across the peer with my arms stretched out ready to catch him incase he chose to jump. However, I would end up going over the edge with him since I have the strength of a toddler.

"HEY! What are you doing!?"

The guy was smoking a cigarette and the instant he turned to face me I had a feeling that my life was about to be turned upside down. The aura around him gave off this mischievous type of vibe.

"Are you talking to me?"

The guy spoke with the cigarette now in between the fingers of his left hand.

"No, I'm talking to the other guy standing the the railing of this 65 foot tall peer," I started in a slightly sarcastic tone, "Yes, I'm talking to you. Weren't you about to jump?" I asked with some concern in my voice.

"Well aren't you a little feisty. But to answer your question no I am not going to jump. This is just pretty fun to do." He said dropping the cigarette in his hand and watching it fall like a feather.

If this was his idea of fun then I need to get out of here. Not many sane people stand on a railing like he was.

"I'll just get going then." I said, pointing behind me slowly turning around and making my way back to the spot I was standing in.

"Suit yourself. You don't seem like the type to have fun anyway."

The hell did he just say? Is this guy trying to get on my nerves?

This guy doesn't even know me and yet he wants to get on my nerves already. Man has some guts, I'll give him that much.

"You don't even know me. How can you make such a bold assumption?" I said.

I turned back around to face him, folding my arms over my chest as I glared at him. His eyes looked me over my body heating up under his gaze. A feeling that was foreign to me since I hadn't felt like this in a very long time.

"I don't have to know you. I can just tell by how you carry yourself. By crossing your arms over your chest I know you found what I just said offensive. There is a slight hint of makeup on your face instead of it being caked on like most females now a days which means you aren't self centered about your looks. Your hair is in a messy bun which shows that you didn't feel like putting much effort into it. The look in your eyes show how tired and lost you are meaning you have a boyfriend and you're going to break up with him or you recently broke up with him. So basically, you are here for the same reason that I am."

I kept my mouth shut not wanting to give him any indication that he was somewhat correct. I then started thinking about why he was here if we both were here for the same exact reason. Apart of me wanted to ask him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. The guy jumped down from the railing and took out another cigarette and lit it.

Ignoring the description that he had made of me I stood a good 3 feet away from him. I went back to looking at the ocean watching the waves crash against the sand as the sun was still shining brightly for it to be a little bit past 7pm. As he took a few puffs from the cigarette he glanced at me suspiciously. At first I thought he felt bad about everything he said but he shook his head instead and faced forwards.

"Name's Lucas."


"Want to grab a cup of coffee?"


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