Sometimes Homes Come With A Catch

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It was the day she was to go to the house Cornwallis had set up for her. She had slipped into her clothes she arrived in, no way was she traveling in that dress. When she stepped out of the tent, Colonel Tavington was nowhere to be found. When she asked a passing soldier where he might be, the man pointed to the woods behind her.

Traveling into the woods she heard some rustling and went to it. She abruptly stopped when Colonel Tavington came into view. His back was to her and he hadn't heard her approached. She was silently thanking the gods he didn't hear her. He was in those tight pants of his and his shirt was off, hair falling along his shoulders. She had to bite her tongue hard from squealing like a little fangirl. Happy she was standing near a tree she clutched to it. Anything to help steady her balance, if she wasn't careful she would die right now completely happy. Who knew that a man that can be so awful be so yummy at the same time? Adjusting her standing position she didn't look where her foot went and stepped on a stick. Cursing silently to herself, Colonel Tavington clutched his gun and spun to her. In a span of a few days, she had a gun pointed at her twice. And that's two too many and all coming from the same man.

"Wow, you must really not like me to be pointing your gun at me for the second time." Placing her hands on her hips.

Tavington quickly seized his shirt and slipped it on. Realizing what time period she was in she quickly turned her back on him.

Holding her hands up, "I'm sorry. When I asked one of the men where you were they said you were here. And I came looking for you. Wasn't thinking you were half-dressed, I'll go wait for you by my tent." And she left him to finish getting decent.

Isabel patiently waited at her tent. Trying everything she could to rid her self of what she saw and her thoughts about him. She was supposed to hate him, the guy was a tyrant and butcher. Jarred from her thoughts when her horse was brought up, Tavington shortly came riding upon his. Isabel silently thanked her mother for making her take all those stupid horse riding lessons, despite all her protests to her mother about them. People were shocked when she refused to ride side-saddle. But she was so not riding like that, it was unbelievably uncomfortable and incredibly ludicrous looking.

It was a short ride to the house she was being taken to. The house was this beautiful two-story plantation. Isabel thought she never saw a house so big nor so white and clean looking. She had one of the men help her off her horse. A stable boy came running up and took her horse from her shortly after her dismounting.

"Thompson, Howard you are on guard duty. And to attend to any of Miss Abigale's needs." Ordered Colonel Tavington.

She spun to him, "You're going to leave me here?"

He glared down to her, "You have made it perfectly clear you are able to do things yourself."

Looking back to the house, "Who's house is this?"

"You need not worry yourself over it. It belongs to Lord Cornwallis now." He answered as he turned his horse and rode off.

Isabel watched him ride off before going into the house. The two men left behind stood outside on guard duty. She spent all morning exploring the downstairs. She had spent over an hour exploring the upstairs when she found the master bedroom, immediately finding a set of new clothes upon entering.

"Pretty dresses. Hope they fit." Isabel snagged one of them.

Isabel got lost in trying them on she didn't hear someone knock. She nearly had a heart attack when she saw someone come in.

"Dinner's ready ma'am." The lady announced then bowed out.

Well, she didn't have time to get in something better, so she headed downstairs. It was the first time since she arrived she was eating dinner alone. The servants were the only people she saw the rest of the week. She was happy to be sleeping in an actual bed and have a nice hot baths. Even if it wasn't indoor plumbing. And really happy that the house came with a library. Five days passed till Isabel heard footsteps for the first time that didn't belong to the servants. She stepped out on the porch to see a soldier riding up.

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