Back at the University

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Our leader was dead. He was slain by the man he loved. We cheated death, traveled back in time and defeated an anomaly that threatened the past, present and future. But despite our best endeavors, we still couldn't beat Kelrus. In the end, we had no choice but to run. Subsequently speaking, the order did not take to his death too well. Our words could offer no solace, and our actions could bring no respite. We had lost the strongest members of the order, Ixi was dead, and Vivicci was still enslaved to Kelrus. We had lost.

We had lost because we were not strong enough.

If we only had more power.

If I had more pow--

--is your life always this stressful?

His voice snapped me back to reality.

"I've read about fantastical adventures in novels, and I would frequently indulge in daydreams involving adventure and intrigue, but never could I have anticipated my life would turn out like this. When I went to college with Eldaren, he would always detail to me his love for adventure and heroism. I guess...he got what he wanted," and Zed's eyes had a sense of naivety and innocence that, soon enough, would disappear forever. "But I don't think he got it the way he wanted it."

I propped myself at the edge of the spa. The heated water did well for my aching body, but it didn't help much in tethering my mind from drifting elsewhere. I'm sure we told ourselves that we went to Elmarath's to figure out more about the astral charts or the mirror, but truth be told we simply had nowhere else to go. Our morale had been shattered, and I believe it was Eldaren's idea to come here in hopes that we would 'gain something.'

"It is," I ended up saying after a long silence. It wasn't like me to get caught up in my thoughts so much, but the defeat was so crushing, so fucking heartbreaking. "It's been that way for a long time. But this time, brother, I thought we could do it. I really thought we could win," I looked down, not meeting his gaze. I saw my own reflection, eyes fresh with rage. "We managed to save the country, but we still couldn't beat Kelrus. Even though we traveled through time to undo the curse he put on us, he was still one step ahead..."

I think we had him," Zed said, his voice unsure but sure at the same time. "Sure, he had the upper hand in the end... but... we had him, for the most part."

"We could have won," I said. "Had Vivicci not killed Darruth, but the moment he did, it was over." I sank further into the water, met eyes with Zed's. "My deepest regret is being unable to retrieve the body."

"We did the best we could, brother."

"And that's why I'm so fucked up right now," I said, smiling through it all. "We did try our best, and it still wasn't good enough. You know... there is someone important I would like to save, but the current state of the world makes me wonder if bringing her back would even be a good idea."

"Do what makes you happy, Khain," Zed said, sounding surer of himself. "That's about the best advice I can give you right now. And who knows? Maybe, right now, defeating Kelrus does seem impossible, but I also thought traveling back in time was impossible; I thought coming back to life was impossible. I was fairly certain that no one could survive where you went for so long," and perhaps for the first time I was cognizant of, I could see some reverence in his eyes, his voice as he addressed me. "And yet, I was proven incorrect every single time. Perhaps what is impossible for others, brother, is not so impossible for us. I didn't think you'd come back, after Trivistine opened that portal for you, but here you ar—"

—I don't recall giving you any permission to speak my name.

And entering the stage was Trivistine, the hot-headed pyromancer that defected from Kelrus. She was confident with herself, walking towards us completely naked. She was always nice to look at, her entirety pulsing with an unbelievable amount of sexual magnetism. Stepping into the spa, the first thing she did was flaunt her body. It was as if she wanted us to acknowledge her physical appeal. Her wish was granted, of course. Had I been younger, I would not have been able to hide my lust for her body. Zed's on the other hand.

"I don't blame you for gawking," and she turned her attention to Zed. "It's not every day you get to see a hot, young body like mine," and then, giving a malicious sneer, she said. "I wouldn't be surprised if this is the first and LAST time for you, Zed."

Zed became a cherry, his entire body flushed red.

"Do you get off by antagonizing everyone you meet?" I asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she said, flipping her hair from one side to another. "You think cuz you're cute, you can just get any girl to spill her soul to you?"

"I never impli—"

"—I'm not so stupid as to fall for either of you, or anyone for that matter. You mad cuz I hurt your friend's feelings? You gonna do something about it, 'brother,' Khain?"

"... We aren't enemies, anymore. I understand if you have trust issues, but if you're going to be with us, you can at least try to get along with us."

"Is that a threat?"

Good grief, she was incorrigible. "No," I said. "I have no intentions of hurting you."

Her eyes became sharp, focused and discerning. "Oh yeah? And why should I believe that?"

"...You're still alive, Trivistine. I could have killed you for supporting an inter-planar terrorist, but here we are."

"We're the good guys," Zed chimed in. "It is never our intention to hurt people."

"But you still do," Trivistine said, and she made sure her voice sounded seductive and condescending at the same time "It doesn't matter what your intentions are. You still hurt people. What good are intentions if you can't follow through with them?"

Zed couldn't answer, and for a moment neither could I. I would have said something but that's when it happened. Our private conversation was interrupted by two new characters.

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