Loving Lucille

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—Her thighs shivered; her breath ragged. White dress soaked in sweat. The break of dawn peaked in the distance, illuminating the horizon with soft, fiery hues. I pulled out, and repositioned myself above her face, her mouth open, tongue sticking out. I reached down, and started to play with her clit again. In return, she sucked my cock with even more enthusiasm and vigor than when we first started. I felt my body surge with elation, the cum shooting down her throat, and felt at peace when my body relaxed. I was about to pull out, but she held me in place, her sweet moans, the way she handled me, made my body pulse with ecstasy.

I wanted more of her. I grabbed her arms and placed them above her head. I pulled out, her tongue playfully tasting me as I backed off. I slid back inside of her, the warmth of her body renewing my energy, invigorating my desire. As she moaned, I held her gaze. Those beautiful, stormy eyes. I pulled her in for a kiss, and her tongue shot out to meet mine. Her body became rhythm: the way she moved, the sounds so made. Both of us were hot and sticky, our bodies fading into each other.

I picked her up and pinned her against the wall. Her moans and energy rose. I reveled holding her ass in my hands, and when she raked my back, I nibbled her neck.

Blood. So close. I could hear it. I could feel it. Just a little more and I'd be able to taste— I buried the thought. I returned my focus to Lucille's passion, the way she tore my back open, the way her moans elevated. My body would heal almost instantly when she'd tear me open, and the excitement and energy became a cycle. I'd thrust into her, and she'd moan louder, ripping my back open, sinking her teeth into my shoulders, and I would heal.

I repositioned her onto one of the drawers. Her body sank back, her legs quivering. It wasn't long until she came again, her entire body spasmed in lust. In my excitement, I tore off her dress, ripping it into pieces as I ravaged her body. She submitted. She loved it. I loved it. Lucille moaned with abandon. Even if everyone else was completely wasted and exhausted, I was sure it would wake someone up.

Not that we were concerned about that.

We spent all night lusting after each other, dissolving the barriers between us. Before I knew it, we were still going as the sun began to rise.

And then we kept going, satisfying each other's desires in an endless loop until the sky was bright. We could have kept going—

—"Looks like that's our queue," Lucille cooed. "As much as I'd love to keep going, I think it's in our best interest to go back. What kind of crazy mission are they going to send you out on this time?"

"I don't really know. I might be on the council but everything is on a need to know basis." I yawned. "But with how hectic our missions are, and with everything we do, there's always more trouble."

"You might not catch another break for a long time, huh?" And her arms were draped over me, the warmth of her body softly resting against mine.


"By the way, doesn't being in the sunlight hurt you now that you're more of a full-fledged vampire? I was curious about it, but I never got around to asking you."

"The circumstances that turned me into a vampire is a bit different from the norm," I said. "The sun doesn't bother me at all."

"Good for you..."

"What's up, Lucille? I feel like there's more you want to tell me."

"Look, I know our relationship has been rough, but I'm glad we were able to come together in the end." She cupped my face with her hand, turning my gaze toward hers. I could see all the hurt and love in her eyes. I could feel the stories they hid until now. "Khain, I love you."

"I love you too, Lucille."

I leaned in for another kiss, and we passionately embraced each other.

And then it was over. 

The future, the horrors that Zed would uncover, was just around the corner.

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