chapter 20:

154 1 0

Don't own anything

Argama barracks lynx pov:

I woke up i was napping for 2 hours. Wait...... I'm in the barracks who carried.... * squish * " WTF " i looked down mythra next to me.

(9:58 only)

She's sleeping next to me

(Something like this but different)

I know how she is i know whats gonna come i know whats gonna happened my hand is on her ..... Bust, i slowly remove my ....... Hand.

She grabbed my hand moaned in her sleep. " what the hell she's liking it but she's a sleepwalker & Tsundere for crying out loud " my blood turned cold when she opened her green eyes smiling at me.

Mythra: sleep well lynx~

Lynx: uhhhh ..... Yeah but ....

Mythra: were in a relationship blade & driver

Odd way to put it. I never seen driver going out with his or her's blade (hello those other's are not humanoid type) it not so bad. Before she reached in for a kiss Morrison voice from the announcer.

Morrison: " spartan lynx mythra report to the bridge GET YOUR BUT OUT OF BED😀😁 "


She clinging on me. Earning looks from other marines & imperials some have shit eating grins others have cameras but mythra blew their toys up. As we reached the bridge master chief niall captain zeke & other people that are here.

Lynx: john

John: " lynx "

Niall: so your lynx?

Lynx: your niall captain told me about you nice too meet you

Mythra: i noticed something about malos. He's an aegis you wouldn't know it if how he's fighting. Lynx here has fought with him beated him twice

Moreg: incredible!?

Lasky: as always

Mythra: our wounds have not completely healed long ago. His end goal is Elysium

She press the holographic button showing where it is

Chief: " malos & the covenant had there own goals. "

Zeke: 2 warheads you mentioned are still out there.

Lynx: so mythra. Once he returns there he'll recovered & get stronger

Morrison: that guy reminded me of the didact while back

Mythra: thats correct lynx. Malos's goal is simple. Destroy humanity he doesn't care about the aliens

Lasky: fighting two threats 😖

Niall: why would anyone desire that?

Lynx: probably a thrill seeker. I don't understand that guy & i don't care

Amalthus: all of this is my responsibility

Chief & i looked at each other confused

Amalthus explained he awoken malos he blamed on himself for his existence already written in history books.


Mythra: so thats spartan is coming with us?.

Lynx: no he works alone

Automatic door opened see hunter & moreg kissing

(Something like this)

Lynx: oh i'll be darn loot😀😁😂

Moreg & hunter blushed

Mythra: so moreg .......

Moreg put on her hat on turning to the aegis with the shit eating grin on her face

Moreg: look who's talking napping next to him

Mythra: * laughing * come on lynx lets leave these two alone

Moreg whistled her younger brother niall came up behind hunter.

Hunter: i'll keep her in good spirits

Two ships confirmed

I love updating this book


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