chapter 21: aegis's new direction

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Don't own anything

So far the most enjoying book i have ever made. Number of reads where slow at first but later on it went skyrocket.

Thank you all.

Author pov:

They prepared to set off mythra & nia watched spartan lynx talking to rex.

Nia: rex looked up to him as a brother figure what do you think?

Mythra: lynx too was a child soldier growing up without his parents

Nia: i expect you to be more clingy

Mythra: actually i am. I never did experiance love before

Nia: like in his room happing together😁

Mythra turned to her with a glare


Nia: i kid i kid jeez

Mythra: spartans lacked emotions. Lynx was taking away from his seperated parents & put in the oni spartan program molted him into a killing machine. Legendary headhunter

Nia: but .......

Mythra: he's different ....... & lonely

Nia: if he completed his mission plus taking you to Elysium whats gonna happened?

Mythra gave it good thought pyra thinking the same thing. She wanted to see the universe seeing halo weapon the first time.

Mythra: pyra & i have decided to find a way to seperate our bodies

Nia: no way can it be done?

Mythra: i wanted to be with him. Spartan 3s are obsolete lynx never liked being a spartan 4.

Nia: he's for what human marines called him " oldschool "

Mythra: besides i wanted to see what halo is

Nia: i rather not. They say its a nightmare.

Mythra: installation 01 was the true nightmare

Hunging herself thought of the flood she learned about gives her the chills

Mythra: if there is a halo near by our planet i wanna see it Thats a big if

Nia: facing new dangers

Mythra: i don't think asking for our death isn't something not worth it i'm no longer a danger lynx showed me different way to live. Being a hero is tough

Nia: you realize ONI will be curious if you joined UNSC

Mythra: they have no control over me

Pyra & Mythra's ending didn't make sense to me (part about keeping the space station a float)

So ending that book in a different so they can live

More on the way


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