Entrance exam

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I woke up to the sound of my phones alarm clock i clicked it so it could shut up,After a few minutes i got out of bed and got ready.I went to the kitchen and walked over to the fridge,there was a sticky note.

Hey sweetie im sorry me and your father couldn't be there to say good morning and to wish you good luck in person but i hope you do great at the exams good luck
-Love mom and dad

As i finished up my breakfast i looked at the clock,it was 7:25 am the exams weren't until 9 am. Sense i wanted to get there early i went to the subway and got on.

I spotted a seat next to a boy with blonde hair. He looked kinda mad.I quietly sat next to the right of him.He laid his head back on to the seat,looked like he wanted to take a nap or something.I looked at my phone for a bit but then i got bored,I decided to also take a nap. As I drifted of i felt my head fall to my left i was too tired to even care.after a what felt like a long time i felt someone tap my shoulder.It was the blonde boy.He looked flustered.I then realized what had happened,i fell asleep on his shoulder.i started to blush and apologize. "Im so sorry I didn't mean t-" i was caught off "its alright just DONT DO IT AGAIN" he said angrily. I realized i was at my stop.

I noticed that he was following me I assumed he was also going to the entrance exam  because he looked about my age and my grade level.
He walked past me bumping my shoulder with his.
"Im going to be late!" He said
I looked at the time it was 8:55 i began to run past him he ran after me.

When we both got there we went our own ways. Soon it began everybody was fighting robots and getting points.I used my fire and lightning to knock 10 3 pointers and 10 2 pointers."Im definitely going to pass" i thought . I looked around for more robots then I spotted the blonde haired boy.

I saw as he blew a robots face off

All of the sudden i see him blast towards me i was confused until it was too late to realize there was a robot behind me about to hit me.

"Shit!" I screamed
As i fall I could see the blonde boy rushing towards me. I started to black out and passed out.

A few hours later

I wake up in the nurses office along with a boy with green hair.He looked like he had broken his arm and legs."what happened?" I asked a lady called recovery girl came over to me. "You where almost crushed by a robot sweetie" she said "a boy with blonde hair carried you here sense you where out cold,He said his name was katsuki bakugo" she said.

I was surprised at what she had said because that 'bakugo' boy seemed so cold and mean

I guess he was worried I might have died I thought

I realized i had to leave because it was getting late,Recovery girl said i hit my head and my leg was sprained. I had to walk home sense the subways where closed due to the time. As I walked through the front entrance I could see someone leaning on the wall.It was bakugo.

"Finally got out what took you so long?" he said

"I was just getting bandaged up" i said.I was honestly surprised he waited outside for me

"Well then lets go"he said
"Go where?" I asked
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" I yell back

I struggled to walk a bit.He looked back at me and rolled his eyes.
"Do you need help?" He asked annoyed
"Nah im good" I said
I kept on struggling to walk.He walked up to me and picked me up bridal style.I was really surprised.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked
"Because your TOO SLOW!" He said
"Well im sorry " I said

After a bit of walking "wheres your house?" He asked. "Three more blocks from here" I said looking at him. He looked at me and i started to blush "want a picture i would last longer?" He asked jokingly. I started to giggle a bit. Before we knew it we where almost at my house.

When we arrived at my doorstep he gently let me down. "Thanks" I said
He nods and starts to walk away but before he could i grabbed his shoulder "can i have your number so we could maybe talk more and maybe become friends?" I asked shyly

He simply took out his phone and i took out mine,We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.

As i walk in i could see my parents looking at me as soon as I open the door.

"Soooo who was that?" My mom asked excited
"Oh its a boy that carried me here because my ankle got hurt" I say
"Well how was the exam?" My dad asked
"It was great i got 10 3 pointers and 10 2 pointers!" I said happily

"Thats our girl!" My parents said

"Alright ima head upstairs to sleep it been a long day" i said

"Alright good night we love you!" My mom said

"I love y'all too" I said

A/n:this one was a bit longer which is good i will keep working on it so i hope yall are enjoying this story so far

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