New couple

22 1 0

(parents are back home)

I woke up to the my alarm clock. It was about 7 am. I got up from my bed, i could feel the warm sunlight coming from the window next to my bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my uniform and usual things.

Mini time skip

When i was done with my morning routine. I headed downstairs to find the usual, my mom cooking, and my dad reading his newspaper.
"Good morning!" I said as i walked over to my chair.
" good morning Y/n" dad said
"Well good morning sweetheart!" Said my mom serving me F/b (favorite breakfast).
She walked over to me and handed me the warm plate. "This looks good" i said to my mom as I grabbed a utensil and started to eat.

My mom just gave me a smile. My dad was drinking his coffee and still reading.

Another mini time skip

I grabbed my backpack and was on my way out of the door. I walked to school as usual. I got to the UA gate and went in. I went to class and saw that there were a few people already in there like mina,iida,bakugo,kirishima,momo, and a few others. I walked in and saw all of them staring at me.
"Um... hi?" I said as i walked over to my seat.

Mina immediately ran over to my desk.
"Hey Y/n!" She said with a grin

"Oh what's up mina?" I said giving her a smile.
"I was wondering if you wanted to sit me and the girls today?" She said still grinning
"Sure!" I said

Start of class

"Today we will be choosing y'alls hero names" mr aizawa said

The whole class them got up and cheered. I sat in my seat just smiling. Out of the corner of my eye i could see bakugo making a small smirk.

I guess the class was being a little too loud because mr aizawa activated his quirk making him scary looking. Everyone sat back down and calmed down. Just then midnight came in, she went up to the podium next to mr aizawa.

"As mr aizawa told you today we will choose your hero names, well i mean yall are going to choose your names!" She said

"It plays a very important part in being a hero, thats the name everyone will know you for. Thats why you have to be careful choosing what it is" Mr aizawa said

"If you choose don't choose carefully you will end up like me, i had to go with eraser head for the rest of my life" he said as he got into his sleeping bag and went to the corner.

"How about we start!" She said passing whiteboards and markers to every row. I got mine and passed it to the next person.

I have been thinking about my hero name. It was kinda hard but I finally got it. " H/N (hero name)" i said quietly.

Few mins later

People were already presenting their names, they were all really good. I decided to go next sense i didn't want to be last. I finally went up. I turned my whiteboard over to where everyone would see it. I took a deep breathe. " H/N" i said.

"That suits you really well Y/n! You did good" midnight said to me smiling.

"Wow thank you!" I said smiling back at her.

Bakugo x reader✨🧚‍♀️ (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now