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Lami sighed as she wandered in the streets by herself. Body itching to hug her boyfriend but he is not around.

She looked everywhere to wander and her eyes stopped at the couple infront her.

"Stupid couples, why can't we be like that?" She mumbled as she snickered.

She rolled her eyes when she realized, Jisung is part of a famous group and a soloist so there's no way to be with him on the streets being so clingy.

She passed by a dance club and saw strangers sucking their faces. She snickered again. Head obviously boiling.

"Can't they do it in their own homes?!" She whisper shouted.

She angrily walked towards her shared home with her boyfriend, Jisung.

She flopped into her bed and covered her face.

"Why can't we be like that? I'm yours right?" She whispered.

"Stupid couples stupid people stupid sasaengs and STUPID JUDGEMENTAL NETIZENS" she shouted at the pillow.

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