Chapter Seven: First Dance

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It was nearly five, and Alex had spent the entire day cleaning, neglecting lunch. Wiping sweat from her forehead, Alex returned to sorting papers in the old office. The air conditioning could never quite reach back here, she realized.

            All there really was were old tax returns, business papers and real estate paperwork. She’d filed all of the things to the corresponding boxes. An old radio played then, on a station she didn’t recognize. She sat cross-legged, and hot, in the middle of scattered papers. Alex Cabot was very, very bored.

            She shot up when she heard the door open.

            “Liv?” she called from the back. She sat up, wiping her palms on her jean shorts. She walked to the kitchen.

            Olivia held many file folders and her bag. She set everything down on the kitchen table before sitting herself down. She put her head in her hands. “Yeah”, she answered as Alex walked through the doorway.

            “You doing all right?” Alex asked, taking a chair opposite the detective on the other side of the table.

            “Yeah, this case is just slow. I mean, I know that cases aren’t solved in a day but, I guess I’m just anxious to get this guy behind bars.” Olivia touched between her eyes with her thumb and forefinger. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to complain. How have things been going around here?”

            “No you’re fine. I’ve just been dusting, wiping down old shelves, sorting papers, the works. Nothing interesting”, she chuckled. “How about I make dinner tonight?”

            Olivia looked up. “That sounds really nice actually. Sorry, I feel like you’re slaving away down here. Is there anything I can do?”

            “No, and even if you didn’t have your hands full I’m not going to make you do anything”, Alex said, smiling.

            “You’re too nice to me”, Olivia said. “Hey, I’m going to hop in the shower and I’ll help you with dinner.”

            “Don’t worry about it. Relax for a little bit.” Alex turned to grab ingredients from the fridge.

            “Thanks”, Olivia said. She’d never taken advantage of anyone’s kindness but good Lord, she could get used to this.


            Alex was just putting spaghetti onto two plates when Olivia walked into the kitchen, in sweatpants and wet hair. She looked oddly charming just laid back. Plates in hand, she made her way over to the grinning detective.

            “Hey, thanks!” Olivia exclaimed, sitting down at the table. “Rachael Ray”, she added after a few seconds.

            Alex shot her a joking look as she walked back with a bottle of wine. “I’m far from Rachael Ray.”

            Olivia tasted the noodles. “Not really! You’re a pretty good cook, Alex.”

            Alex popped the top off the bottle and poured a decent amount in both glasses. “Thanks. Usually I don’t gave anyone to cook for except myself so I’m glad to have a second opinion.”

            Alex took their time at dinner to really study Olivia’s behavior. She was actually very graceful, and Alex doubted anyone got the chance to see that side of her.

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