Chapter Twelve: What Now?

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Sunlight was streaming through the window. It caught Olivia’s sleeping eyes and awakened them.

            Alex was already awake. She still wore her red underwear and Olivia was completely naked. Olivia turned to face her.

            “What now?” Olivia said hoarsely.

            Alex gave a dry laugh. “Well, this obviously means something.”

            Olivia scooted closer and placed her left hand on Alex’s side. She trailed her fingers up and down her hips. “Yeah, it does.”

            Alex looked at Olivia. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

            “Because”, she began, “because I didn’t want to ruin the friendship we did have. And besides, I didn’t want to make a pass on you and you be completely weirded out.”

            “So what changed last night?” Alex said quietly.

            “I honestly don’t know”, Olivia said, moving her hand up to Alex’s ribcage.

            “I’m glad something changed”, Alex said, watching Olivia’s fingers dance on her skin.

            “Me too”, Olivia said.


            Olivia walked into the kitchen wearing a very oversized, ratty NYPD t-shirt. Alex had thrown on her white sleep tank top and no pants. She did however still wear her underwear. She was at the stove making scrambled eggs when Olivia walked in.

            “Hey Liv.” She pushed the eggs around with her spatula before sliding them onto plates. “Made coffee.”

            Olivia brushed her bangs out of her eyes. “You’re too good to me.” She took her plate and coffee mug and sat at the table.

            Alex took her chair across from Olivia. “So what’s the plan, Stan?” she asked softly.

            Olivia laughed. She mimicked Alex’s reaction to her earlier inquisition of that very phrase: “Say it again and you’re sleeping outside.”

            Alex burst into laughter. “You don’t do a very good impression of me.”

            “I know”, Olivia admitted. “I’ll work on it.”


            It was about midday when Olivia sprawled out on the couch.

            Alex walked over and stood beside her. “What are you watching?” She looked at the screen.

            “The Nanny”, Olivia said. “It used to be one of my favorite shows when I was younger.”

            “You’re still really young, silly.” Alex’s eyes were soon glued to the TV.

            Olivia spread her legs. “Come sit down”, she said, motioning.

            Alex sat down between her legs and scooted back, leaning her head on Olivia’s chest. She sighed and looked at the TV.

            Olivia put her hands on Alex’s abdomen. Alex’s head tilted back on instinct on Olivia’s shoulder. Her fingers moved along Alex’s cool, pale skin.

            Alex breathed out as Olivia’s hands dipped lower, onto her hipbones. Her right hand swept even lower as her left gripped Alex’s hip gently.

            Olivia’s fingers traced the red lace of Alex’s underwear. Alex’s breathing could be heard more clearly now, jagged and uneven as it was. Olivia’s fingertips slid underneath Alex’s waistband and paused.

            Alex moved her hand on top of Olivia’s smaller one and nodded, slightly.

            Olivia reached under the tops of Alex’s panties. She reached farther, farther down and moved her hand over Alex. She cupped her gently first, before putting a slim finger in her.

            Alex couldn’t help but cry out softly. She parted her legs farther, giving Olivia better access. Olivia moved in and out of her, being careful with her as she sensed Alex was delicate.

            Alex’s left hand sought the one of Olivia’s hands that rested on her hip. She gripped Olivia’s knuckles tightly as the pace of her own breathing increased.

            Alex’s hips began barely moving against the detective’s hand, keeping her rhythm. She tipped her head back and Olivia’s lips found her neck. She kissed her gently, moving her lips up and down Alex’s skin.


            Alex was lost.

            In that moment, she didn’t know who the hell she was. Who the hell was she when she came here? Who the hell would she be when she left? She didn’t know.

            And it didn’t matter to her then, not at all.

            She burrowed the back of her head in Olivia’s shoulder as jolts of electricity shot up her body. Darkness was closing in on her. Olivia’s lips were on her neck, kissing her softly. Alex felt nothing and everything, all at once. Olivia’s touch became wild, and exciting. Alex felt herself pulsing dangerously underneath the detective’s fingers. “Olivia, Liv”, she moaned breathily.

            It was then that Olivia found the last place she hadn’t touched Alex.

            And a wild, vicious feeling ripped through her entire body. Alex lifted her hips up to meet Olivia’s hand. Her eyes squeezed shut and her feet pushed into the leather couch cushions. Her hand rushed to touch the hand Olivia had her body with. She cried out and gripped Olivia’s hand with her life.

            She was breathing hard when she dropped down. Olivia was breathing hard, too. She heard Olivia’s soft laugh in her ears.

            Alex turned between the detective’s legs. “Olivia Kate Benson, you will be the death of me”, she declared, kissing her jaw and resting her body on Olivia.

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