Chapter Fourteen: Melanie's Wisdom

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Alex knocked on the door of her Grandma Melanie’s. A small, feeble woman answered the door and Alex smiled happily.

            “Alexandra!” her grandma exclaimed. “It’s been a while.”

            Alex took her grandma in her arms. “Your house looks great!” she said as they walked to the sunny kitchen.

            “Oh, you know how it is. I’m trying to move around the best I can but…” her voice trailed off.

            Alex nodded as her grandma handed her a cup of steaming coffee. She was glad to see her grandma had put in creamer and sugar. “I’ve missed you”, she said quietly.

            “Me too, dear. It’s been too long”, Melanie said, sitting at the table and motioning for Alex to sit by her. “How’s the house?”

            Alex attempted to tread lightly in the deep waters of this subject. “It was very clean when we got there. I’ve only had to do small things.”

            “We?” her grandma asked curiously.

            “Me and-“ her voice caught. “My friend Olivia came along. She’s a detective for the NYPD. She works for the Special Victims Unit. A friend of hers from college works with the LAPD and he asked her to consult on a case of theirs that involves victims from New York and California.”

            “Wow”, Melanie said, sipping her coffee. “You’ve got friends in high places.”

            “Yeah”, Alex scoffed lightly before smiling. She pulled out her phone and showed her grandma a picture of the two women from the night before. Alex had her head on Olivia’s shoulder and Olivia’s head was tossed back, laughing.

            “You two look awfully close”, Melanie said casually.

            “We are”, Alex said, clicking off her phone and putting it back in her purse.

            Melanie leaned closer and smiled. “Is there something I’m not seeing?”

            Alex lightly bit her lip and gave a small smile before looking out the window.

            “You love her”, Melanie said calmly.

            “What?” Alex said, incredulously. She shook her head. She prayed to God her grandma would buy her cool act. She sipped her coffee. “No way.”

            “When you’ve lived as long as I have, you know. You just know”, Melanie said, reaching across the table and touching the top of Alex’s hand.

            “I do”, Alex said hoarsely. She looked at the floor. “I love her.”

            Melanie grinned. “I’ve seen that look before, that body language. I’ve seen it within myself, and in Beth with your father.”

            Alex gave a little smile with the mention of her mother. She looked up at her peaceful grandmother. “How do I handle it?”

            “Spend your life with her, and be glad you did it. Even if it doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to, you will never regret her. She’ll be the lesson you learned and the person you loved, all at once”, Melanie said softly. “Don’t let her slip through your fingers.”


            Olivia was on the couch when Alex came home. “Hey, how’d it go?”

            Alex smiled before joining her on the couch. “Better than I thought it would. Much better.”

            Olivia muted the TV and turned toward Alex. “Do you want to check out the boardwalk tonight?”

            “Yeah, I haven’t been there since I was younger. A lot younger”, Alex said, smiling.

            “Shut up, you’re young and beautiful”, Olivia said with a grin. She lay her head down in Alex’s lap and her arms found their way around Alex’s slim frame.

            Alex ran her slender fingers through Olivia’s short hair. Olivia’s hairstyle had changed many times over the years, and now it fell just above her shoulders. This was Alex’s personal favorite.

            Olivia sighed. “If I knew you’d do that all the time I would’ve put the moves on you years ago.”

            Alex gave a dry laugh. “You should’ve.”

            Olivia shook her head and tapped her fingers on Alex’s back. “No, I think I found you when I was supposed to.”

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