11: Inflatable Snowman

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I was so glad when the weekend rolled along. I was still doing training at work, which exhausted my brain, but I was still enjoying my time there. I was slowly getting used to the whole nine to five thing. Jason was his normal self at work, talking to me as if nothing had happened the weekend before, so it seemed like all was forgiven.

Now that it was a weekend, I was ready to forget about the stresses of work. Especially because today I was going out with Max. He still hadn't told me where he was taking me, no matter how much I had begged him all week. All he would tell me was to wrap up warm. I looked in the mirror, hoping my comfiest jogging bottoms and silver puffer jackets with my matching grey bobble hat would be warm enough. not exactly what I would imagine myself wearing on a first date.

Max came right on time and smiled as I opened the door for him. He himself was decked out in a thick black jacket.

"Wow, you look ...warm" Max chuckled.

"Yeah, you left me no choice. I just wore everything warm I could find just in case"

"Did you bring gloves?"

I looked down at my bare hands, knowing I had forgotten something. "Oh shoot, just wait a minute" I said as I trudged back up the stairs to find a pair of gloves. I eventually found them, with Max chuckling at my silliness, and we made our way to wherever it was we were going.

"Can you tell me now why I'm dressed up like an inflatable snowman?" I said, starting to feel the heat under all these layers.

Max chuckled from the driver's seat "I think you look like a cute snowman. But no, I still want it to be a surprise"

I groaned and sat with my arms folded for the rest of the car journey, the music of the radio providing background noise. It didn't take us long to get there and I furrowed my eyebrows once we arrived.

There were people walking in and out of this building, dressed similarly to how we were.

"What is this place?" I asked. "I don't think I've been here before" We were in the middle of an industrial estate full of big businesses, one was a trampoline place and another building was a mini golf place.

Max smirked and went out the car, opening my own car door. "You'll see. It's a new place that's just opened. Everything will make sense soon enough". I shook my head and followed him inside, eager to find out what this big surprise was.

We entered the building which stood in between the trampoline and golf place. Max ushered me in quickly, so I didn't get to see the name of the place.

But I didn't have to. As soon as we walked in, a cold blast of air hit us, and I could now see why. Behind the reception desk was a floor to ceiling window which showed snow. Lots and lots of snow. I couldn't help the grin that grew on my face at the sight of people skiing up and down the indoor ski slope.

Max checked us in and turned to see my reaction. "I'm so glad you like it. I remember you once mentioning you wanted to go skiing in , so I brought you to the next best thing" he chuckled.

I laughed "Close enough. I can't believe you remember me saying that. I don't even remember having that conversation with you"

He shrugged it off "Strangely, it was one of the things I do remember from our time at college"

I smiled, loving how sweet Max was being. As far as first dates went, this was high up on the list of great first dates. And we hadn't even started yet.

"What are we waiting for, lets go" I said eagerly, taking his hand and making our way through the doors to get kitted up.

My dad had taken me skiing to the local indoor ski slopes whenever we went away on holiday every summer. It was something I had grown up to love. My dream was to one day try out the actual ski slopes around the world.

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