9# You get a partner

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You don't get a partner all you need is Jonathan ♡︎
You were in the supermarket shopping for ingredients until you bumped into someone it was a lady with black hair "oh uh I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going!" She picked up the carrots you dropped "hm? It's okay Senorita... are you making a carrot salad?" You nodded "well yeah it's for my son!"

She looked at your clothes "oh it appears you've spilt pasta sauce on your clothes" you look down at the broken jar and your favorite skirt/dress/pants "oh um it's okay I'll-" she cut you off "no here let me pay for the damage I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lisa Lisa " she takes her hand out and you shake it

"I know a few things about kids too I actually baby sit for a close friend of mine" you walk with her to the cash register so you can pay "Oh what's his name?" You were curious and could see if you can set a play date for the kids "Ceaser he's a a nice boy and very polite I see him as my own son" she seemed happy to talk about him "Oh! I think I might know him!" You talk to her about this one time joseph brought his friends over "oh really I think caesar told me about how polite and kind you are!" You blushed a little

Arriving to your house after a few hours y'all both agreed to go and pick up the kids so they can talk and play (and of course you changed earlier)

"Ugh when's My mom gonna pick me up I'm bored!" Joseph and Caesar were waiting for There care takers to pick them up they're a little late "be patent Joseph they must be very busy!" Caesar pouted at the fact that he has to wait with Joseph by themself he tried not to argue "you wouldn't understand Rock head!" They argued for a little while, you and Lisa Lisa were walking together to the school only to see two bickering kids Shouting at each other "oh dear"

As you approached Joseph ran to you "Mommy Caesar being mean to me!" Caesar spat back "You spit in my face!" You were trying to break the fight up bu they didn't listen until Lisa Lisa spoke

"Boys! Y'all are fighting like baby's I shouldn't have to raid my voice like this" Caesar immediately shut his mouth "Huh?! Who are you???" "Joseph! Do not raise your voice at ms.Lisa" Caesar defended her and Joseph just shut his mouth "uhhh come on Jojo let's start going home, GoodBye Lisa Lisa!" You waves holding onto Joseph's hand "goodbye Y/n see you on Monday!" She smiled

The walk home was quite, when you arrived home it was dinner time you were serving Joseph Spaghetti and he finally spoke "where are you going Monday?" You giggled "nothing to Worry about Jojo" "well I have to worry Since she has something to do with that mozzarella cheeseball I have to worry!" "Joseph Don't raise your voice!" He backed down said because you yelled at him "you don't have to worry me and Lisa Lisa are getting dinner together... I guess you can call it a date!" You jokes as he went bleh "ew y'all have cooties"

You were shopping for dinner and you reached for Star Candies for Jotaro until someone else was gonna grab it

"oh I'm sorry you can have it!" You looked at her she had dirty blond hair and Blue/Green eyes she looked sweet and kind "oh no You can have it! I'm fine without it" she gave it to you "sorry I was gonna use it to decorate a cake" she smiled "Ooo what kind of cake?" She seemed interested so you told her about how your celebrating for your sons Award ceremony she smiled and y'all ended up talking about halls family to each other and exchange y'all numbers and names!

You were walking home from work and you see a guy cat calling a women wanting to do something about it you stepped in

"Oi bastard what do you think your doing?!" He looked at you up and down and whistled "Ow don't need to be so feisty! Don't worry one at a time" you spat at him and kicked his Shins he fell on the ground "men like you are the reason why I'm disappointed in society!" You kicked him in the stomach before turning Around "oh my God are you okay!" You went back you your sweet and caring self she nodded "wow you were so strong And brave How'd you do that?" She was amazed by your behavior she has Jet black hair and wears a headband you blushed "wow you really think so, would you like to go out for coffee?!" You realized what you said and got embarrassed "sure I wouldn't mind hanging with a cutie like you I'm Tomoko!"

You work at a public library as you were placing books on the bookshelf one fell and you were holding a lot so you couldn't crouch "oh sugar honey ice tea.." someone picked it up "do you need help?" You looked at him with a really face and he helped you out with the books dusting off your clothes you thanked him

"thanks I really needed it!" You softly giggled he flirted a little "I mean I would want a beauty like you to get hurt~" he looked you up and down seductively "Aww thanks I was in a rush this morning and I was worried I looked a little messy" you didn't get the hint and he looked dumbfounded before going back to his seductive attitude "well I mean you have nice legs and a beautiful body~" "really I forgot to shave this morning and I was worried someone would notice!" You blushed in embarrassed his smirk was going down a little and his eyebrow was twitching "Uh not what I meant...ahem" he grabbed your hair and sniffed it "w-what are you doing?!" He placed a finger on your mouth...before you shoved him away "Stop!...my hairs greasy!" He blushed a little and you pouted

"mr I know you trying to be nice but your really embarrassing me and I'm working right now!" as you were gonna walk away he grabbed your wrist "w-wait could we possibly meet up for cake after your shift?!" You turned around "hmm only if your buying" he nodded "okay! Here's my number! I'm Y/n by the way!" He nodded "I'm Dio"

You were off work and shopping for Jolyne you notice someone struggling to buy something and you being nice went over to help "Excuse me are you Okay?" He turned about then noticed you were a woman "hey Uh..." you noticed he was holding a note "oh do you need help shopping for your daughter?" He nodded "well don't worry I can help you!" He handed over the note and you read it "her let me show you" you then explained and showed him the diapers and baby outfits sizes and stuff

"Their don't worry I'm sure she's gonna be fine with these!" You handed him some clothes he didn't know her exact size so you helped him out with that, it seemed like he was waiting for something "well I have to get going!" He watched you leave

You were in the plush isles 'hmm would Jojo like snail or butterflies?' You were shopping for Hair clips she really likes it when you do her hair as you were looking at the frog ones someone tapped your shoulder "yes?" You turned around only to be met with the guy from earlier "hey your different why didn't you ask me out?" You looked at him dumbfounded "wha?" He then explained about how most women drool over him and that they want to use him for his looks you giggled "I'm not like that unlike those women I would try to get to know you rather then catcall you or Ask you out" he nodded as y'all were talking you noticed how interested he was into dolphins "My names Jotaro..." you nodded "my names Y/n!" You shook his hand before checking your phone "oh sorry I have to go Pick up my daughter here's my number!" You handed it to him before checking out your items

You don't need a mans or women all you need is doppio and because he takes most of your attention

You don't need someone to make you happy your fine with Nara♡︎

You already have a full time Job taking care of Mista because of how messy he is and because he said and I quote "I'm getting a girlfriend before you because I'm Young and beautiful" "Mista if a girl even talked to you she's drop dead because you don't even brush your teeth" Trish spat back and you laughed at how embarrassed Mista was

Sryy this took to long I'm working on a lot of catchups!

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