12# Caesar catch up

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Requested by LukaXie
This one is kinda special!

How you meet them
You work as a teacher for a near by School you were walking home one day after giving a lecture why snails are cute "kids these days don't understand good memes and are always doing the whoah"

You look to the side and see a little girl she seems homeless and is begging for money you approach her
"Hey dear... where are your parents?" She walks back in fear... you got thrown a bottle of bubbles at your face "Hey get away from my sister!"
'Little twerp!' "I was asking her a question!" You covered your bleeding nose "No you weren't you were trying to kidnap her!" "Ow my nose..." you flinch because of the noise "Hey are you listening?!"
You grab out a handkerchief and cover it the kid who threw felt a little guilty "No need to get over dramatic I was just worried"

you look down at the two and notice around the corner behind them there are more kids "How many kids are there?" He looked down "4 excluding myself..." you looked at the kids then him "how about we go to my house I'll treat your injury's one make y'all food" he spat back "what no way I don't know if you'll kidnap-" before he finished his sentence his stomach growled blushing from embarrassment "F-fine but if you do anything suspicious I will attack you!" You giggled the walk home the little kids told you about themselves and their names as Caesar walks in the back.

You meet their friend♡︎
Youve been how caesar is coming home a little angrier then usual you would ask him why but your busy working so you asked your friend who usually baby sits the kids to ask him "all right kids I'll be back! Elizabeth is going to be taking care of you!" A lady with long black hair walked in "aunt Lisa Lisa!" Th kids cheered

As you care home the kids were already asleep you walked up to Elizabeth "thanks Lisa Lisa did Caesar day anything?" She was siting on the couch "hm? Oh yeah Caesar is actually stressed out due to his friends at school and school work nothing to worry about!" She got up "huh?" "Yeah I know their mom so you don't have to worry their great kids and Caesar gets along with them too" you sigh in relief Saying goodbye to Lisa Lisa for the night

Their bully
Caesar doesn't really get bullied he's more of the Play boy at school that the girls love and the guys are jealous of but he does tell you about his rival

Their crush/ someone crushes on him
Do I even have to say-
Caesar gets fan mail from the students at school It's been over loading your mail box ._.

You get a partner
You had a boyfriend before and that didn't work out well but now all you do is take care of the kids and you do warn Caesar to stop playing with girls hearts he just shrugs it off

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