Making Music

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Murdoc grinned his devilish grin and gave 2-D the 'Come on then' gesture. The bluenette was wobbly on his feet, and he stretched and cracked almost everything. He shook his head, took a deep breath and made his way up to the blindingly glossy building in front of him.

Just as he predicted, the inside was clean and shiny. Barely a speck of dust in sight. 2-D was surprised at this, he knew Murdoc - he was a pack rat. He never left anything this clean. It's only a matter of time. 2-D thought with a small smile, it was nice to see Murdoc again, he didn't miss him. Well, maybe just the slightest. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't see the green man emerge from behind a corner.

They collided and 2-D ended up on top of Murdoc, looking down on the shorter man.
"Woah there, Dentz. Lil bit fast aren't we?"
Murdoc chuckled at 2-D, lost for words and blushing uncontrollably.
"I like i' when you're flustered. Come awn, get awf and we can continue." the blue-haired boy got off, still slightly blushing but less of a beet-red he had been.

Murdoc held a small door open for 2-D. The singer hesitated. Murdoc tutted.
"Now, now faceache. I ain't gonna kidnap yah. Get in the room you silly sod." he shook his head and chuckled as the younger man quickly scooted into the airy room. Murdoc closed the door behind 2-D, and took his place in a small studio with a big window so the men could see eachother.

"Right. I've got some lyrics prepared, so I'll star' the backing track, and you'll see what you can do?" The singer nodded as Murdoc adjusted a headset and spoke into the microphone. "Great. 5,6,7,8."

To the dark, dark seas,
Comes the only whale.
Watchin' ships go by,
I's the day we try.

It doesn't know.

The bassist was blown away at the angelic voice that filled his ears. He stared at the other man in awe, he was replicating exactly what Murdoc had envisioned.

Issa Casio, on a Plastic Beach
Issa Casio, on a Plastic Beach
Styrofoam, deep sea landfill
Issa styrofoam, deep sea landfill.
It's automated, computer speech
It's automated computer speech
Issa Casio, on a Plastic Beach
Issa Casio..

2-D looked expectantly at Murdoc, and he found the bassist staring in shock at him.
"Did I do i' wrong? I can star' again, is al'ight-" 2-D fumbled with his fingers, embarrassed as the bassist continued to gaze at him.
"2-D, that was amazing."
The singer looked back up to make eye contact with his former bandmate.
"Yew fink so?"
"I know so."
2-D smiled his adorable smile, and Murdoc's heart skipped a beat. The bassist looked away and bit his lip.
"Well, looks like it's time for me teh show yah yeh room. Follow me."

2-D made his way out of the studio, and followed the green man enthusiastically. He got a bit confused when they reached a lift, and Murdoc pressed the lowest possible button. As they emerged out of the elevator, 2-D was face to face with a highly bolted steel door, with over 20 locks on it. His heart sank.
"I-is dis my room?" he pointed at the door with a shaking finger.
"You betcha. Now, lemme unlock these.." he unbolted all 28 locks, and swung the door open. 2-D stared in disbelief at what he was beholded.
The room was about 15 feet underwater, and it was mainly empty other than a bathroom, a "bedside table" which was really just an upside down box, and a dirty mattress.
"Home swee' home." 2-D said sarcastically.
Murdoc clapped his hands together and stepped towards the door.
"Welp, best be off. Gotta uh.. do some.. work.. ciao!" he slammed the door and 2-D could hear him bolting it. This made tears roll down his cheeks. He looked over his room in disgust. There was a small window, but all you could see was ocean. He sat on his mattress and brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them. In a matter of seconds, he could hear a faint whale call. This concerned 2-D, as he was deathly afraid of them. The call only got louder and closer. Closer, closer, closer. Soon enough it was deafening his eardrums, he curled up in a ball and sobbed into his hands. This was torture. How much more of this would he have to take?

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