Mao Mao in Love~Chapter 5

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Adorabat swooped into HQ,thinking hard.She got comfortable on the sofa."How am I gonna get Mao Mao to sing without explaining me and Tanya's plan?Mao Mao does not know that I know about his what am I gonna do?"thought Adorabat.It suddenly clicked into her."What if Mao Mao sings without knowing Badgerclops is there?I could get him to sing for me!But he'll really sing for his Badgerclops darling."But then something else disappointed her."I can't let them know I'm trying to get them together.Ugh!What a shame!"thought Adorabat sadly.Poor Adorabat sat there and thought mournfully about her idea.It would've been perfect!She suddenly got an idea."I'll just have Badgerclops watch me train!I like to do that sometimes!And the,maybe,I could get Mao Mao to sing about Badgerclops!And then Badgerclops will hear and then they'll really get together!"thought Adorabat,getting excited.

         She leapt up and flew off to Badgerclops."Hey Badgerclops!Come watch me train!You have nothing to do,right?"said Adorabat,her eyes shining hopefully and desperately.Badgerclops did have nothing to do,and liked the little member a lot.He nodded and got up lazily.Adorabat soared through the halls of the house,a warm glow in the little bat's heart.Finally,Mao Mao and Badgerclops were gonna come together!She went into the living room and sat down to play with her toys.Soon,Mao Mao came into the room to call Adorabat for training.She went with Mao Mao,and saw Badgerclops taking the same path as her.Mao Mao went very red and he blushed so much that his black face didn't even look black anymore."Mao Mao?Dude,you look like a tomato."laughed Badgerclops cheerfully.Mao Mao looked as if he was about to scream.He quickly grabbed Adorabat and made off with her.Adorabat coudn't help but giggle.

         "What're you giggling about?C'mon,we need to do a lot for today."sighed Mao Mao.Adorabat grinned but hid it from Mao Mao.They practiced and practiced.Adorabat didn't do too well because she was thinking about the end of training with glee."Adorabat,you're not doing well at all!Focus and stop thinking about whatever you're thinking about.Look,that's just great.We're out of time!Look,I wanna see improvement in the next training,you hear me?Now,go on."said Mao Mao in a huff.Adorabat turned to him,making her eyes as wide and innocent as possible.Mao Mao could never resist her adorable puppy dog eyes."Mao Mao,I'd love to hear you sing!A song about Badgerclops,perhaps?Please,please,PLEASE,sing for me!"said Adorabat,making her voice as babyish and as adorable as ever.Mao Mao was very confused.But he couldn't turn down such an adorable little baby face.So Mao Mao nodded.

             He had no difficulty in singing about Badgerclops.Mao Mao sang his heart out,much to the joy of Adorabat.She squealed and clapped excitedly."Encore,encore!"cried Adorabat.Mao Mao was always pleased to make his little deputy happy.And Adorabat flew out.She half-expected Badgerclops to come in and hug Mao Mao.But he never appeared and Adorabat thought that he might have been too shy.So she flew out eagerly,but didn't see any blushing Badgerclops there!Adorabat stared in amazement.She looked all around and found a note stuck to the wall.It said "Sorry,remembered I had something to do.Penny and Benny had asked me to assist in their Hair Styling class and make sure Pinky didn't eat the hair.I'm sure you did great in your training. signed Badgerclops".Adorabat flung the note on the floor and went out to meet Tanya.Everything was going wrong!She explained everything to Tanya in a rage.

             "Calm down,Adorabat.It's okay.We don't know if all hope is lost!We're only two plans in!You can't expect everything to go right.Hey,how about you say you were invited to your friend's house.Badgerclops and Mao Mao will be forced to have dinner together.I don't wanna go all up in their business,and set up a camera or anything.You said you knew Badgerclops liked Mao Mao,so you'll be able to ask him whether they're together or not.Sound good,sweetie?"said Tanya gently.Adorabat calmed down and thought this was a good plan.She and Tanya didn't wanna lie to Badgerclops and Mao Mao,so went to Kevin's mother to arrange a dinner playdate."Mao Mao and Badgerclops finish dinner at 9 p.m.I see them finish!So I'll go home,tell them everything,and then head back about 15 minutes after 9."said Adorabat.Tanya agreed and Adorabat flew home,excited to think that they had another plan going!

               Adorabat thinks making Badgerclops stand outside her training area while Mao Mao sings about him will get them together for sure!But things go wrong,when Badgerclops had to go and missed the whole song!Adorabat is angry!But soon cools down after making up her mind to leave the two lovebirds alone for dinner and go to Kevin's house.Whatever will happen next?

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