Mao Mao in Love~Chapter 6

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Adorabat flew through the door,ready with what to say."Hey,guys!I'm going to Kevin's house for dinner,okay?I'll see you in a bit!Bye!"said Adorabat.Mao Mao's face fell and he glanced at Badgerclops,sleeping on the sofa.Adorabat didn't wait to hear what they had to say.She just whizzed out of the door.Her heart beating fast,she went to Tanya."Tanya!They're gonna have dinner!Can you believe this is happening?I wish we could see what happens though...Either way,nothing is gonna ruin our plans this time!"said Adorabat,resting on Tanya's head comfortably.Tanya laughed and turned a leaf into ice cream for Adorabat,who gladly took it."Hey,Tanya?You know...I didn't think about what would happen after they got together.Do you think they would live in another house?Or..."said Adorabat,and froze.Tanya looked up and saw that Adorabat looked pale and very panic-stricken.

         "W-what if...they forget me?What if they go off and leave me behind?I don't wanna be alone...I love them both dearly...I don't wanna be left behind..."said Adorabat,blinking back her tears.Tanya immediately carried her down and complimented her and comforted her."Don't say stuff like that!Of course they won't leave you!You're just as dear to them as they are to you!Plus,I'll have a few things to say if they really do leave you.Just you wait!"laughed Tanya.Adorabat felt comforted and perched up onto Tanya's shoulder."I best be going to Kevin's house.He'll be wanting to play.Do you wanna come to dinner with us,Tanya?"said Adorabat,beginning to be the smiley and adorable bat everyone knew and loved.Tanya laughed and patted Adorabat.She nodded.Tanya and Adorabat had bonded a lot during their fun little escapades.They were good friends,and wanted to stay like that forever!

           At 9 p.m,Adorabat looked at the clock with glee.What was happening at HQ?She badly wanted to find out.Kevin kept everyone entertained with origami shows.Tanya and him had a leaf folding challenge and Tanya won!She could do more than fold leaves.At 9.15 p.m,Adorabat and Tanya waved goodbye and set off.Adorabat soared quickly and dodged many Sweetiepies.Tanya had raced off to the meadow."Hey,ya'll!"cried Adorabat as she burst through the door of HQ.She expected Mao Mao and Badgerclops to be on the couch hugging and laughing.But all she found was Badgerclops sitting by himself,looking down and upset."Badgerclops,where's Mao Mao?Weren't you two supposed to be at dinner tonight?"asked Adorabat,her heart falling.Badgerclops looked up at Adorabat."He had to help Slim with something.It took long,so he had dinner with Slim."said Badgerclops,looking away again.

         Adorabat was ready to cry now.But she fought her tears and nodded.Just at that moment,the door opened.There was Mao Mao,turning red as he walked in."Mao Mao!You weren't here!"cried Adorabat."Yes.I had to help Slim with something and ended having dinner with him.Anything wrong,Adorabat?You look really upset."said Mao Mao cheerfully.Adorabat WAS really upset.She couldn't believe another plan had failed!"I'm going to bed early.Goodnight."said Adorabat sulkily."Adorabat,wait-"said Mao Mao,but Adorabat had already flew to her bed.She sat on the top of the bed,sighing and puzzling her little mind.Why were the plans going wrong?They were good ones!Why were they failing?Why,why,why!?Adorabat plopped down onto her bed and stopped herself from screaming in frustration.She'd have to go to Tanya tomorrow and tell her they needed a better plan.

                 Adorabat thinks leaving the two lovebirds will get em' to confess without letting her know.But poor Adorabat learns that Mao Mao had other plans,and ended up leaving Badgerclops alone for dinner.Adorabat fights her tears and has to go to Tanya tomorrow to think of something else...what will be their next plan?

Mao Mao in love~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant