Mao Mao in Love~Chapter 8

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Morning dawned,but it wasn't bright.Mao Mao refused to talk to his crew,Adorabat felt the tears of frustration pricking her eyes,and Badgerclops sat down to eat snacks without a word.It was a very gloomy atmosphere."Adorabat,could you tell Mao Mao it's time for breakfast?Thanks,man."said Badgerclops gloomily."Don't you wanna?"said Adorabat,surprised.Badgerclops always loved shaking Mao Mao up from bed.Now,Badgerclops shook his head."I don't wanna talk to Mao Mao right now...he seems upsetti-spaghetti!"said Badgerclops,trying to sound cheerful.But Adorabat knew that he was hiding his pain.'Must be really hard getting ignored.If Mao Mao was my crush,I'd feel bad too...but in this case,poor Badgerclops...'thought Adorabat pitifully.She flew onto Badgerclops' shoulder."Let's go ask Mao Mao if he's coming to the movie with us!"said Adorabat,and Badgerclops nodded.

            Adorabat flew into the room."Go away.I don't wanna face you guys right now..."muttered Mao Mao under the blanket.Adorabat didn't leave,but flew right up to Mao Mao."I am NOT leaving until you tell me whether you're coming with us or not."said Adorabat in a cold and hard voice.Mao Mao hadn't expected such a hard response.He turned to the determined little bat."I'm embarrassed,okay?I'm not gonna go if Badgerclops is coming too...I can't anyway.I have to go and accompany the SweetiePie Safety Program this afternoon."(Disclaimer:The SweetiePie Safety Program is not a real thing,don't look for it in Season 2 and come after me when you can't find it TQ...also can't wait for Season 2!!!!)Adorabat really felt like crying...after all of her and Tanya's efforts!Wasted!Thrown in the fire!Failed!This time Adorabat didn't hold her tears back.She first flew to a lonely corner of the village and cried there silently.

             "I can't believe it!All our plans..."whimpered poor Adorabat sadly."Kid!What's wrong!?"cried a familiar voice behind Adorabat.Adorabat was only too glad to see Tanya running up to her.The little bat immediately flew into Tanya's arms and let her tears stream down her face."The plans...f-failed!I-I tried so hard!We tried so hard!T-Tanya!!"sobbed Adorabat."Shhh,it's okay,sweetie.It's okay."comforted Tanya,though she felt really upset herself.Adorabat dried her tears.Meeting Tanya really comforted her,and she was brought back to her senses now."Tanya,why are you back here?"asked Adorabat curiously."I thought I'd explore the area.I've never really known about Pure Heart Valley,and decided to randomly wander round'."replied Tanya.She ruffled Adorabat's furry head."Don't cry,sweetie.We can obviously see that by forcing them together,they're breaking more plans,okay?"said Tanya soothingly.

            Adorabat heartily agreed."Mao Mao is a real chicken..."murmured Adorabat scornfully.Tanya had very sharp ears,and heard that."Ahaha!He's a chicken to protect himself.I think he had a girlfriend that broke his heart.He met her before we were partners.Her name was Hellen or something,I don't know,heh!"laughed Tanya.Adorabat's once glum and unhappy eyes started getting brighter and more happy."Kid,is Mao Mao okay?"asked Tanya hastily.Adorabat glanced her and gave her quick 'mhm'."He's hiding in bed because he purred in front of Badgerclops,the chicken!"giggled Adorabat.Tanya laughed too."Oh,I don't know.He IS a real chicken,but ya can't blame em'!Poor soul,he told me that Hellen girl had been so cool and calm when she broke up with him."sighed Tanya.Adorabat sighed to,and got up to leave.She needed to get home fast,cause Mao Mao would be MAD!!

            "Huh?"said Adorabat.She was in front of HQ,but she was hearing angry voices inside.She silently opened the door and slipped inside.Mao Mao was there,his face in a fierce glare.Badgerclops was also there,frowning into Mao Mao's green and flashing eyes."It's your fault!When I said I didn't want to,you try and drag me to the movies!And when I smacked you,you get angry and we start a fist fight!"shouted Mao Mao angrily.Adorabat looked at them in shock and dismay."What are you doing!?"screamed Adorabat.Mao Mao turned to her sharply."You went out again!That is IT!You disobeyed the rules,so here's your punishment.Stay in the bedroom,and you are NOT allowed to go see Kevin!Now,go to the room!"scolded Mao Mao.Poor Adorabat backed away,and flew to the room in tears.Mao Mao stared as she went,angry that Adorabat went out and horrified to think he made Adorabat cry.

            Adorabat sat on the top of her bed,subdued and upset.Why,why,WHY did she wanna meddle with Mao Mao and Badgerclops' relationship!?It resulted in Mao Mao and Badgerclops fighting!And now she couldn't go out and see Kevin or Tanya!Adorabat hung off the top of the bed,thinking.If only she wasn't grounded!She could go and cry into Tanya's arms.The thought of confiding everything to Tanya,while Tanya held the little bat in her arms and stroked her as if she was her child was very welcome to Adorabat.She suddenly felt it was her mission to see Tanya that night!So when everyone had gone to bed in uncomfortable silence,Adorabat took her chance.She waited to hear Mao Mao's strange snore.She heard Badgerclops snoring too.So,holding her breath,she silently unfolded her wings and flew out of the window.She just had to find Tanya!They needed to find a way to resolve Mao Mao and Badgerclops' fight!

                            Oh no!Poor Adorabat is so bummed Mao Mao won't come to the movies just because he purred in front of his dear Badgerclops~~!!( •̀ ω •́ )✧Adorabat goes to Tanya for advice,and think it's best not to force two people together.But when she gets home,Mao Mao and Badgerclops are seen fighting!Adorabat went out against Mao Mao's will,and has to stay in their bedroom for punishment!But Adorabat,knowing that she HAD to ho,silently flies to Tanya in the dead of night.What will happen?Find out soon,my friends...

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