Scared treasure lostvayne

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When gowthers fight with daine. Gohan got healed and stoped gowther.

Meliodas: Elizabeth, Elizabeth,Elizabeth!

Elizabeth: sir meliodas?

Meliodas: what a relief! Are you okay?

Elizabeth: yes, but. How did I end up here.

Meliodas: gowther made everyone in the entire kingdom blackout at once.

Elizabeth: ah! It's terrible! Sir gowther and daine are......huh?

Meliodas: what is it?

Merlin: captain look.

Meliodas: did Gohan take care of him on his own?

After they got there.

Meliodas: daine! Gohan! Are you guys alright?

Gohan: I'm fine.

Daine: captain. I didn't think I see you here.

Meliodas: gowther. Don't you realize what kind of damage you done?

Gowther: please just lock me up. Far away from everyone else. And hurry. Before I stop being myself. 

Meliodas: Merlin. We can finish our talk later.

Merlin: of course.

                With the Ten Commandments

Derie: bottom line is I don't understand.

Monspeet: Indeed. I must admit. Finding a castle where there was nothing for 3000 years is quite strange. But how did it get into such recthed condition.

Meluscula: it's seems too had an explosion of magical power radiating in the center. Quite an hense one at that.

Gloxinia: I see.

Zeldris: there's no question. Meliodas was responsible. Damn him. What could he possibly be doing out here.

Meluscula: come now zeldris.ets try to relax and enjoy the view.

Zeldris: Estorossa. What you think?


Zeldris: Brother!

                  Back with Meliodas

Gowther was in the middle of putting back guilas memories.

Guila: huh? Why did you alter my memories?

Gowther: I meant you no harm.

Guila: zeal? Zeal!

Gowther: I already restored zeal's memories as well.

Guila: zeal!

Zeal: sister!

Guila: please, I hope you can forgive me! I can't believe how awful I was to you!

Gowther: but I meant you no harm-

Meliodas than hit gowthers head.

Gowther: I apologize. If I had one I would say I'm sorry to the bottom of my heart. I should have never attempted of manipulating your mind. Trying to discover what love was, I betrayed your trust in me.

Guila: no, the truth is, I don't have any right to blame you for this.because of my own weaknesses, I made so mistakes in my life that I know can never be undone. So I didn't deserve it. I know they were false memories you still tried to rescue me. Besides, they weren't all made up. You showed me some real ones too. Like the memories of my gentle father dale. The holy knight. Gowther I want to thank you for giving those back to me. Goodbye.

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