Chapter 2

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"What in God's name are you wearing?"

"Nice to see you too, Miranda," Andy said as she buckled her seatbelt. "Hi Roy." A quick glance indicated that Miranda was staring at the outfit with her mouth hanging open.

Andy had expected an even worse reaction, but the long-sleeved, black, pleather romper was a critical component of her Not Turning Into a Fish game plan.

Finally, Miranda said, "It's July."

"Yeah, but I'm okay. I run cold." This was a lie any day, but especially around Miranda. And as her eyes slid down her boss's snug burgundy dress, knee-length with a slit up to the thigh, she could already feel herself sweating in her waterproof ensemble. She averted her eyes.

Miranda spent most of the drive gazing out the window, so Andy did the same. Not that she could focus on much of anything, thanks to her stress levels and the rising temperature in the car. Maybe she shouldn't have wrapped her legs in plastic under her opaque tights.

When they arrived at the harbor, Andy was relieved to see calm water and a dry dock. Maybe she'd been overthinking the whole thing.

Then she saw the yacht. It was huge, bright white and gleaming with decorative yellow lights. The areas they could see from the ground were already crowded with passengers. Evidently, Solé had quite a few close friends.

Miranda glowered at the towering vessel before them, and Andy wondered if she was annoyed that the event wasn't as intimate as they'd been led to believe.

Miranda turned to her. "I trust you're prepared?"

"I am." As always, Andy had done her homework. She was ready to identify anyone important who happened into their path; she just hoped she could remember her notes and avoid water simultaneously, without slipping at either task.

Climbing up to the yacht, Andy gazed longingly into the water. It looked cool and inviting. How she'd love to be sneaking off for a long, leisurely swim instead of going to this dumb party.

As she caught a whiff of Miranda's heavenly fragrance, however, Andy remembered the silver lining of her predicament. An evening at Miranda's side could never be all bad.

~ * ♥ * ~

Andrea was acting... unusual. Her whispered reminders of names and facts had been flawless as ever, but all night her demeanor had been skittish, almost like she thought something was about to jump out and yell boo!

At first she'd thought Andrea was nervous about someone at the party. But eventually, she noticed a pattern. Andrea grew visibly anxious every time they were out on the deck, in the open air, and it got worse when they moved closer to the railing.

Andrea was afraid of the water. It was the only thing that made sense. Plus, it explained her odd reaction to Miranda's request that she accompany her to Solé's event. In fact, Miranda suspected that Andrea had not been sick at all, but had fled her office because she was so panicked at the idea of traveling by boat.

She should have been annoyed. Yet, Miranda felt almost... touched... that Andrea had faced a phobia to be at her side. Not that Miranda would ever admit it. Her softening toward her second assistant was an annoying weakness, one she'd been working to correct by being extra demanding. Still, maybe just tonight she'd ease up a bit.

A blonde woman who looked vaguely familiar approached them. Andrea leaned in and whispered, "That's one of Solé's assistants. She was at the meeting last week, but Solé never gave their names."

Face time with an assistant. How thrilling. Miranda was irritated that she hadn't yet had a conversation with Solé herself, but she forced a smile. "Lovely to see you again."

Sink or Swim: A Mirandy Mermaid TaleWhere stories live. Discover now